Studies on the Enzyme Immunoassay of Bio-active Constituents Contained in Oriental Medicinal Drugs. II. Enzyme Immunoassay of Glycyrrhizin
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In order to develop an enzyme immunoassay of glycyrrhizin (GL), N-(glycyrrhizinyl)-ε-aminohexanoic acid and -trans-4-aminomethylcyclohexanecarboxylic acid were synthesized as haptens from GL via 6', 6"-di-tert-butyl GL (VI) as a key intermediate, which was obtained by the selective tert-butylation of GL with O-tert-butyl-N, N'-dicyclohexylisourea or by the hydrogenolysis of 6', 6"-di-tert-butyl-30-benzyl GL (V) over palladium carbon. Coupling of the hapten with bovine serum albumin (BSA) (carrier protein) and β-galactosidase (labelled enzyme) was carried out by the N-hydroxysuccinimide ester method. Anti-GL serum was elicited in rabbits by immunization with N-(glycyrrhizinyl)-ε-aminohexanoic acid-BSA conjugate (XIV). Separation of bound and free fractions was performed by a double antibody method using a goat antiserum to rabbit IgG. 7-β-D-Galactopyranosyl-4-methylcoumarin was used as the substrate for the fluorometric assay of β-galactosidase activity. A satisfactory standard curve for GL was obtained in the range of 0.2-20 ng/ml.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1983-06-25
矢野 三郎
Toneyama National Hospital
中野 直子
Research Institute For Wakan-yaku (oriental Medicines) Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical University
金岡 又雄
金岡 又雄
Research Institute for WAKAN-YAKU (Oriental Medicines), Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
加藤 弘巳
The First Department Of Internal Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical Univ
加藤 弘巳
矢野 三郎
Research Institute for WAKAN-YAKU (Oriental Medicines) Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
加藤 弘巳
Research Institute for WAKAN-YAKU (Oriental Medicines) Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
木下 栄子
The First Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical Uni
木下 栄子
The First Department Of Internal Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical Univ
金岡 又雄
Research Institute For Wakan-yaku (oriental Medicines) Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical University
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