原性動物Colpoda cucullus Mullの被嚢期における繊毛発生の機構
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This paper deals with the morphogenetic mechanism of the cilia and kinetosomes at cystic stage of Colpoda cucullus Mull. The results obtained are summarized as follows: A) The behavior of three kinds of granules which exists in the cyst prior to the development of the cilia. On the protoplasmic surface beneath endocyst, there were arranged anterio-posteriorly many minute granules in a linear pattern (the 3rs granules), under which there developed the mitochondrial aranules (the 1st granules) connected with the fibrils, meanwhile the other kind of the granules (the 2st granules) was formed and thickly arranged in a linear pattern along the regions adjacent to the 2nd granule's fibrils. Thereafter, there was recognized development of one projection from each of the 2nd granules during which time gradual disappearance of the 1st granules was seen. These projections grow into the basal granules of the cilia, that is, the kinetosomes, stained by Janus green B or Nigrosin. Accordingly, from the fact formation of the kinetosomes from the 2nd granules may closely relate with disappearance of the 1st granules, it is supposed that kinds of the granules respectively may have some metabolic connection with each other. B) The behavior of the 2nd granules and the 3rd ones at the stage of the ciliary formation. The 2nd granules, from each of whose projections (kinetosomes ) there was budded off a short cilium, were enveloped by the above mentioned 3rd granules whose arrangement was shown in a ring-chain pattern, and at this time they required finally the staining capacity for Janus green B or Nigrosin. Number of the positive 3rd granules per one 2nd granule was approx. 5-7, but this ratio decreased to 2-3 when each cilium grew into the normal length (seen in the free living animal just after excystment). Unmder some cultural conditions, the starved animals with the extraoreinary elongated cilia were found. In this case the 3rd granules around the base of the cilia disappeared entirely. Accordingly, it is suggested that the cilia may have some functional relationship to the 3rd granules with regard to the ciliary growth.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1956-06-15
- 綜合討論(形態学・分類学・原生動物学)
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