纎毛虫Vorticella striataの分裂時における食物摂取器官及び銀線系の再構成
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The morphogenetic processes in Vorticella striata concerning the regeneration of the cytoplasmic structures (feeding organellae and silver line system) which have degenerated at the fission stage are summarized as follows: 1. From the earlier up to the middle stage, the animals transform themselves into the ellipsoid form from the bell-like one by forming the protuberance composed of thin membrane on the epistome, whose retraction and contraction have already ceased entirely. As a result of the gradual formation of the longitudinal fission plane along the body axis from the anterior end of the new thin membrane protuberance to the aboral region near the point of attachment of the pedicle, two daughters are obtained, one of which (Type A), continues the attaching life with the original pedicle, and the other of which (Type B) swims in the membrane newly formed around the body near the aboral end and then begins to continue the attaching life in the same manner as Type A, due to the production of the pedicle accompanied by the degeneration of the aboral undulating membrane. 2. From the resting up to the earlier stage, the feeding organellae have the adoral spiral or two undulating membranes, i.e. fused cilia, surrounding 1-11/2 times the epistome in a clockwise spiral, only the inner membrane reaching down the cytopharynx. During the middle stage, the feeding organellae degenerate, and there appears the mass of the Janus Grun B positive granules (J-G granules) at the base of the undulating membranes, from which a thread structure composed of the minute granules develops in a clockwise spiral so as to form the largc discal membrane structure. During the later atage, along with the formation of the fission plane, the J-G granules and the discal membrane structure divide thcmselves into two structural componcnts, each of which then migrates to the lateral parts of the original body. In this case, the spiral end of each discal membrane structure spreads and transforms into the cytopharyngcal membrane. By the multiplication of the J-G granules, there is fourmed the cap structure to be changed in future into the oral groove on each discal membrane structure. Bothe types of the daughters gradually come to have an outer undulating membranc, which develops from the meutral red positive granules (N-G granules) connected one another by the transverse fibres along the marginal area of the cap structure. In this case, the inner undulatimg membrane is composed of the fused cilia newly formed in the spirals of each discal membrane structure. 3. On many parallel transverse ridges of the pellicle from the epistomal side to the aboral end, there are arranged kinetosomes, which degenerate and disappear antero-posteriorly from the earlier up to the middle stage. From the middle stage on, their morphogenietic processes proceed; on the thin membrane protuberance formed on the epistome at eht middle stage, there are arranged the N-G granules connected with the longitudinal fibres, which spread down on the newly formed inner membrane beneath the pellicle. At the point of attachment of the pedicle there exists a large granule with Ag affinity (P-G granules), which changes so as to be stained with neutral red without disappearing like the kinetosomes. At the later stage, the N-G granules devided from the P-G anteriorly and attached on the longitudinal fibres, are connected with those spread sown from the anterior region. It is characteristic that only the N-G granules on these aboral region develop the transverse fibres and bring about a nature of the kinetosomes by means of Chatton-Lwoff method. At the base of the aboral undulating membrane formed on only one of two daughters at the later stage there are lined transaersely large N-G granules (or kinetosomes) than the others. After fission, on the longitudinal fibres streching down antero-posteriorly, especially on those at the median inner membrane beneath the pellicle, there increase in number the N-G
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1955-11-15
- 綜合討論(形態学・分類学・原生動物学)
- 綜合討論(実験形態・原生動物)
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