Stylonychia pustulata EHRBGの分裂期に於ける大核の行動と細胞質表面構造の再構成に就いて(其の一)
- 論文の詳細を見る
As there is a correlation between the macronucleus and the cytoplasmic structures Stylonychia pustulata at each stage of division, the writer attempted to study whether there is a similar correlation in regenerating fragments of the same species. 1.Daughter animal just after division was cut transversely into two halves by means of a steel needle, an anterior fragment (AF) with the anterior macronucleus and micronucleus and a posterior fragment (PF) with the posterior macronucleus and micronucleus. 2.In regeneration processes, macronucleus underwent two amitoses and micronucleus also two mitoses, resulting four macroand micronuclei. At the stage when the reorgaization band appears in macronucleus before the 1st amitosis in the treated animal, the plasm of the operated plane is regenerated and in later stage the anlages of membranellae develop at the anterior part of AF and PF. Then, macronucleus becomes gradually rounded and the 1st group of cirri is renewed at the central part of AF and PF. 3.At the stage when the reorganization band appears in the 2nd macronuclei, whereas the 1st group of cirri is divided into two parts, which migrate anteriorly and posteriorly, the 2nd group of cirri appears newly in the central part. Original cirri degenerate and absorbed partly into the cytoplasm. The anlage of membranellae of granddaughter are produced in the later stage of band formation in the anterior part of the posterior half. After two nuclear divisions, four macronuclei and four micronuclei are formed in the treated animal, amitotically in the former and mitotically in the latter. Division plane formation and degeneration of original cytoplasmic structures are almost the same as in the normal division. 4.In 4〜5 hours after operation, the reorganization processes in AF take place faster than that in PF, but in the 2nd reorgnnization band formation stage, they are parallel in both fragments.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1952-11-15
- 綜合討論(形態学・分類学・原生動物学)
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- Stylonychia pustulata EHRBGの分裂期に於ける大核の行動と細胞質表面構造の再構成について(其の二)
- Stylonychia pustulata EHRBGの分裂期に於ける大核の行動と細胞質表面構造の再構成に就いて(其の一)