- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of the presesent paper is to describe the deformation movements in eggs of the fresh-oligochaete, Tubnifex hattai NOMURA, during the course of maturation division and early cleavage, with the aid of 8 m/m time-lapse cinemicrographic records, taken at 20-sec. interval under the temperature of 18-20℃. Some photographic prints are presented in appended figures. Soon after oviposition, the eggs, somewhat irregular in shape, are seen packed in one side of the cocoon. Gradually the eggs swell up into a spherical shape to fill the inner of the cocoon. Shortly before the start of the first maturation division, the egg has an ovoid form with pointed end directed towards the animal pole. Then the animal hemisphere becomes flattened; the extruded polar body is seen as a rule at the center of the flat area. This condition lasts for five minutes or less and then the egg becomes round again. Changes in the shape of eggs associated with the progression of the second maturation division resemble much that described for the first one. After the completion of each maturation division, a marked deformation movement of the egg ensues, producing a number of protuberances of Lehmann (1948, 1956) especially on the animal hemisphere. With time, the protuberances increase in number, and many meridional grooves radially arranged along the animal-vegetative axis are formed. The protuberances at the first maturation division are formed more disorderly than at the time of the second maturation division. This deformation stage lasts about 30-45 minutes and is followed by the stationary phase in which the eggs assumes a spherical form. Preceding to the first cleavage, segregation of yolk-free cytoplasm occurs both at the animal and vegetative poles, forming so-called pole plasms and then the deformation movement occurs again. When the first two blastomeres have flattened to stick to each other, small clefts appear in the partition wall of the cells, but are finally instantaneously closed. The whole process may repeat itself once or twice before initiation of the surface movement of the second cleavage leading into formation of AB, C, and D cells.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1966-09-15
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