- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to obtain some information about the causation of radiation death in teleosts, the relationship between the period of survival following exposure to X-rays and dose of the irradiation was examined with the goldfish, Carassius auratus and the medaka, Oryzias latipes. Common goldfishes and red variety of medaka were irradiated with 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128kr of X-rays (200kvp, 20ma, with 0.5mmAl and 0.5mmCu filters, 400r/min. in air). During irradiation, each group of fishes composed of unanesthetized 5-8 goldfishes or 20-25 medaka, was kept in a small cylindrical lucite vessel containing water. Immediately after the irradiation, each group of fishes was transferred into larger tank and kept at 22-23℃. Besides, non-irradiated fishes served as controls. In total, 13 series of experiments were carried out with 868 goldfishes, and 27 series with 2, 114 medaka. The number of dead fishes was recorded every day after irradiation. Mean survival time after irradiation in each dose lot was calculated (Tables 1, 2 and 3), and the sose-survival time relationship curves were constructed (Fig. 2). The results are summarized as follows: (1) A single irradiation of fishes of both species with 1kr or less produces no marked change in the mortality at least within 30 post-irradiation days. (2) In 2kr-irradiated lot, about 80 per cent (in goldfish) or 50 per cent (in medaka) of fishes die by the 30th day, the mortality being significantly higher than in the lower dose lots. From the sistribution of the survival times of fishes, it is found that majority of medaka irradiated with 2kr die during two different limited periods, varying from 9-15 and 60-100 days. (3) In most fishes irradiated with 4-32kr, the length of survival time varies within a limited range, varying from 7 to 13 days (mean survival time: 9 days in goldfish, 10 days in medaka), regardless of the irradiated dose ("dose-independent range"). (4) Following 64kr irradiation, some goldfishes die instantaneously, but the rest survive until 3-13 post irradiation days. However, no sudden death takes place in medaka following exposure to 64kr of X-rays. (5) The largest dose, 128kr, kills all fishes of both species instantaneously. It is concluded that there are several distinct ranges of X-ray doses over which causes leading to death are different. At least three different kinds of radiation death are distinguishable in the fishes. Furthermore, the dose-survival time relationships found in the fishes were compared with those in mammals, and the reason for the difference found between these two classes of vertebrates were disscussed.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1962-10-15
舘 鄰
館 鄰
東京大学 理
兵藤 泰子
江藤 久美
江藤 久美
舘 鄰
江上 信雄
兵藤 泰子
江上 信雄
- X線照射後の魚類卵巣の変化にあずかる生殖腺刺激ホルモンの役割(形態・内分泌)
- X線照射をうけたキンギョの生存期間に対する脳下垂体・頭腎除去の影響(発生・実験形態)
- Effects of Ionizing Radiation on the Early Development of Oryzias Eggs
- Effects of X-lrradiation of a Part of the Body on Mortality Rate and on Histological Changes in the Goldfish, Carassius auratus
- X線照射をうけたメダカ卵, 胚, 稚魚および成魚の生存期間について(発生・実験形態)
- 日本産イモリの脂肪体の内分泌的調節(実験形態・発生)
- マウス着床部位における局所的免疫反応の解析(発生学)
- キンギョのえら経由のナトリウム排出におよぼすX線照射の影響(実験形態)
- ^Coγ線被照射金魚におけるNa^+排泄量の変化について(発生・実験形態)
- γ線照射による脊椎動物の電解質行動の変化(生理・生化学)
- ^Co-γ線で照射したキンギョCarassius auratusにおけるNaイオン排出量の変化と, その放射線死との関係について(予報)
- キンギョとメダカにおけるX線被照射量と生存期間との関係
- The Fecundity and Fertility of Medaka Exposed to Chronic γ-Radiation in Their Embryonic Stages
- 中性子線被照射キンギョの生存期間および決定器官の組織学的変化(生理)
- メダカの生殖腺形成に対する^Sr-β線の影響
- 魚類における放射線障害回復現象のオートラジオグラフによる解析(遺伝・発生・細胞)
- 魚類の培養リンパ球に対する放射線の影響(細胞学)
- 水生生物に対するトリチウム水の影響
- マッドミノー(Umbra limi)のリンパ球培養法による放射線影響の研究(細胞学)
- キンギョのヒレ由来細胞について(細胞学)
- 異なった温度における被照射キンギョの造血組織への^3H-チミジンのとり込みについてII(生化学)
- 異なった温度における被照射キンギョの造血組織への^3H-チミジンの取込みについて(細胞)
- 部分照射をうけたキンギョの生存と主要臓器の組織学的変化との関係
- 異なる飼育条件下でのワキンの放射線感受性と相違と甲状腺機能の関係(形態・内分泌)
- 魚類の黒色素胞の調節機構に対する放射線の影響III(生理)
- 魚類の黒色素胞の調節機構に対する放射線の影響 II(生理)
- 魚類の黒色素胞の調節機構に対する放射線の影響I(生理・生化学)
- キンギョ鰓上皮に対する放射線影響のオートラジオグラフによる解析(生理・生化学)
- キンギョの造血組織に対するX線の影響の^3H-チミジンオートラジオグラフによる検討
- メダカに対するCo^γ線大線量分割照射の影響
- キンギョの頭部に対するCo^γ線大線量照射の影響
- X線照射によるキンギョしりびれの移植片脱落時間の延長(予報)
- フナの黒色素胞およびその調節神経の機能に対する放射線の影響
- 鳥類のNeurohypohysisの微細構造(実験形態・発生)
- キンギョの移植ううこ拒絶反応のX線による抑制とその消失
- キンギョの腸上皮細胞のrenewal rateに対する温度および放射線の影響(細胞)
- メダカ胚の生殖細胞の増殖に対するステロイドホルモンとX線照射の影響(発生・内分泌)
- 被照射キンギョの腸上皮細胞中へのH^3-チミジンの取込みと水温との関係(形態・内分泌)
- 被照射キンギョの腸の組織学的変化とそれに及ぼす水温の影響(実験形態)
- メダカ卵孵化率に対するX線照射の影響
- Some Problems on Recovery from Radiation Injury in Biological Systems