Kohonen Learning with a Mechanism, the Law of the Jungle, Capable of Dealing with Nonstationary Probability Distribution Functions
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We present a mechanism, named the law of the jungle(LOJ), to improve the Kohonen learning. The LOJ is used to be an adaptive vector quantizer for approximating nonstationary probability distribution functions. In the LOJ mechanism, the probability that each node wins in a competition is dynamically estimated during the learning. By using the estimated win probability, "strong"nodes are increased through creating new nodes near the nodes, and "weak" nodes are decreased through deleting themselves. A pair of creation and deletion is treated as an atomic operation. Therefore, the nodes which cannot win the competition are transferred directly from the region where inputs almost never occur to the region where inputs often occur. This direct "jump" of weak nodes provides rapid convergence. Moreover, the LOJ requires neither time-decaying parameters nor a special periodic adaptation. From the above reasons, the LOJ is suitable for quick approximation of nonstationary probability distribution functions. In comparison with some other Kohonen learning networks through experiments, only the LOJ can follow nonstationary probability distributions except for under high-noise environments.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 1998-06-25
Takizawa Hiroyuki
Integrated Information Processing Center Niigata University
Information Synergy Center, Tohoku University
the Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohok
the Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohok
the Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohok
the Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohok
Nakajima T
Laboratory Of Enzymology Graduate School Of Agricultural Science Tohoku University
Kobayashi H
Tokai Univ. Hiratsuka
Kobayashi H
Information Synergy Center Tohoku University
Nakamura T
Department Of Computer And Mathematical Sciences Graduate School Of Information Sciences Tohoku Univ
Takizawa H
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kogakuin University
Kobayashi Hiroaki
The Department Of Aging Medicine And Geriatrics
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