The Structure of High Molecular Weight Dextrins Obtained from Potato Starch by Treatment with Bacillus macerans Enzyme
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Bacillus macerans enzyme (BME)-derived high molecular weight dextrins, which are by-products in the course of the industrial production of cyclodextrins, were isolated and their chemical structures were characterized.Dextrin I was obtained in a yield of about 24% from BME-hydrolyzate (a mixture of dextrins and cyclodextrins, 50% each) of potato starch by fractionation with an ultrafiltrator having a membrance of cut-off molecular weight 2.0×10^4. Dextrin II was obtained in a yield of about 15% from BME-hydrolyzate (a mixture of dextrins and cyclodextrins, 70 : 30) of Dextrin I by the same method.Dextrin I and II consisted mainly of dextrins having molecular weights over 20×10^6 and dextrins having molecular weights 4×10^3-1×10^5 in the ratio of 80 : 12 and 66 : 15,respectively.The results of hydrolysis by β-amylase and methylation analysis indicated that the average, exterior and interior chain lengths of the dextrins having molecular weights over 20×10^6 and 4×10^3-1×10^5 from Dextrin I were 16.5,8.2 and 7.3,and 11.5,6.9 and 3.6,respectively, and those from Dextrin II were 13.6,4.7 and 9.9,and 10.4,5.1 and 4.3,respectively.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1988-04-25
Hashimoto H
Bio Research Corporation Of Yokohama
Hashimoto Hitoshi
Materials Research Institute For Sustainable Development National Institute Of Advanced Industrial S
Hara Koji
Bio Research Corporation Of Yokohama
Kato Y
Nagoya Inst. Technol. Nagoya Jpn
National Food and Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Laboratory for Amphibian Biology, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University
MIKUNI Katsuhiko
Bio Research Corporation of Yokohama
Bio Research Corporation of Yokohama
Hashimoto H
Materials Research Institute For Sustainable Development National Institute Of Advanced Industrial S
Hashimoto Hitoshi
Res. Inst. For Sustainable Materials National Inst. Of Advanced Industrial Sci. And Technol.
Kobayashi S
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Ensuiko Sugar Refining Co., Ltd.
Ensuiko Sugar Refining Co., Ltd.
Ensuiko Sugar Refining Co., Ltd.,
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Tohoku University
National Food Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Kato Yoji
Laboratory Of Food Science Faculty Of Education Hirosaki University
Nakajima T
Laboratory Of Enzymology Graduate School Of Agricultural Science Tohoku University
Mikuni K
Bio Research Corporation Of Yokohama
Mikuni K
Carbohydrate Research Laboratory Ensuiko Sugar Refining Co. Ltd.
Mikuni Katsuhiko
Ensuiko Sugar Refining Co. Ltd.
Nakajima Tasuku
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Tohoku University
Kainuma K
Japan International Research Center For Agricultural Sciences Ministry Of Agriculture Forestry And F
Kainuma Keiji
National Food Research Institute
Hashimoto H
Department Of Biotechnology The University Of Tokyo
Hashimoto Hitoshi
Ensuiko Sugar Refining Co. Ltd.
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