- 論文の詳細を見る
For the purpose of clarifying appropriate wearing of clothing in order for the elderly to cope with the environmental change in thermal conditions, temperature and humidity inside clothing, skin temperature, oral temperature, and sweating rate were measured dynamically. Subjects moved from an environment of 30℃ and 55% RH. Simultaneously, subjective estimates of the thermal, wet, and comfort sensations were made. The subjects were 13 elderly males (60 to 77 years old) and 10 young males(20 to 28 years old) as the control. Difference by age was not noticeable in the temperatures of each layer inside the clothing on the back, nor was it noticeable in skin temperature on the chest covered with clothing. Regardless of age, clothing plays an important role in keeping temperatures inside the clothing at a constant level. Skin temperatures at other points, oral temperature, and sweating rate differed by age, the elderly showing attenuation of heat regulating ability. Furthermore, the elderly felt much discomfort due to the cold, therefore, it is necessary to assist body temperature regulation by adding or removing clothing.
- 1992-07-15
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