- 論文の詳細を見る
The present state of the education of women is examined here from the viewpoint of the guidance of graduation research paper as well as the future direction of food nutrition major at the lida Women's Junior College. The following six new trials have been started at the college with a view to supplementing the involution of the graduation research. (1) Training of dieticians capable of diversely supporting the old people in food practice. (2) Through experiment and practical training as well as the developmental research of processed food for the purpose of implanting the spirit of study in students as well as contributing to local industry. (3) Carrying students' menus in newspaper for disseminating food information. This has continued for two years. (4) An association has been founded to consider the relation between food and health, supporting the health promotion of local inhabitant (5) Rearing of dieticians with the license of nurses, hygienists and so on. (6) Setting up a course for graduates and dieticians working in the region to prepare for the national examination of Administrative Dietitian. The course has been going on for seven years.
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