- 論文の詳細を見る
Studies concerning metamorphic rocks and metamorphic belts in Japan since 1970, particularly during the last decade, are reviewed. These studies re-examined the constituents and metamorphic conditions of paired metamorphic belts and revealed the occurrences of various kinds of metamorphic rocks in terms of their ages and metamorphic facies. Above all, clarified were occurrences of comparatively small isolated tectonic zones, which were originally derived from regional metamorphic terranes and do not compose presently paired metamorphic belts. Serpentinite melange units were recognized in the Hida Marginal Belt, the Kurosegawa Tectonic Zone and the Kamuikotan Tectonic Belt. The former two contain rocks ranging from early Paleozoic to Jurassic. The Kamuikotan rocks are restricted to Jurassic and Cretaceous in their ages. Poly-metamorphic episodes were clarified in the Hida and Abukuma metamorphic terranes which mainly suffered low P/T type metamorphism. Evidence of poly-metamorphism in the Abukuma terrane is the occurrences of kyanite-bearing rocks in some localities and kyanite rivers and grains in many places. The concept of paired metamorphic belts for the Hidaka and Kamuikotani terranes was denied and it is revealed that the Hidaka terrane is an up-thrust middle-lower crust of the continent or island arc formed by collision in Tertiary time. In both sides of the N-S trending Hidaka terrane, high P/T metamorphic rocks of Mesozoic time are distributed, i.e. the Kamuikotan terrane in the west and the newly found Tokoro terrane in the east. As far as paired metamorphic belts are concerned, studies on the Sanbagawa and Ryoke terranes made progress together with study on mylonites along the Median Tectonic Line which is located between them. Discoveries of Triassic conodonts in the Sanbagawa calcareous schists and Jurassic radiolarians in cherts of the Mikabu greenstones zone confirm that the age of the Sanbagawa metamorphism is early Cretaceous in consistence with the radiometric ages. These ages mean that the Sanbagawa and Ryoke were formed almost simultaneously. Metamorphic zoning of the Sanbagawa Belt was established in central Shikoku for pelitic rocks and subsequently for basic rocks. This is a result of detailed mineralogical study by EPMA. Three zones of chlorite, garnet and biotite were discriminated for the pelitic rocks and the highest grade is the oligoclase-biotite zone. Lawsonite occurs in the pelitic schists of the lower part of the chlorite zone. Winchite and crossite ubiquitously occur in the basics cists with hematite, and pumpellyite-actinolite assemblages occur in the basic schists without hematite. Tectonic melange units were recognized in some places in the Sanbagawa Belt, particularly near various kinds of ultramafic-mafic bodies. Retrograde and prograde ultramafic-mafic bodies are distributed in the tectonic melange units. Higashi-Akaishi mass and Nikubuchi mass were originally cumulated igneous rocks formed under the conditions of garnet lherzolite and spinel lherzolite facies, respectively, which subsequently suffered retrogressive metamorphism. Some of the ultramafic bodies suffered progressive Sanbagawa motamorphism after serpentinization. These ultramafic bodies which have not experienced the stage of plagioclase lherzolite are considered to have been derived from the lower crustor upper mantle of the continent. The emplacement of these bodies may have been related to strike-slip movement along a plate boundary. In the Ryoke Belt, staurolite in pelitic rocks was found in the Hazu-Hongusan district where the pressure was high as compared with those of other Ryoke terrane. Takato district, central Japan, also may have suffered higher pressure metamorphism though it is still open to discussion. Granulite xenolithes were found in the Ryoke terrane and they may be basement rocks for the Ryoke metamorphic rocks. Radiometric ages and some characteristic lithofacies in each metamorphic terrane or zone are summ
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1985-03-30
- 307. 日高衝突帯のバイブロサイス反射断面とテクトニクス
- 十勝岳1988〜89年本質噴出物とこれに伴うガラス質岩の岩石学 : 特集: 十勝岳1988〜1989年噴火
- 29. 予報 : 1988-89年十勝岳火山噴出物の岩石学的特徴(日本火山学会1989年春季大会)
- 28. 1988-89年十勝岳噴火の推移(日本火山学会1989年春季大会)
- 29 予報 : 1988-89 年十勝岳火山噴出物の岩石学的特徴
- 28 1988-89 年十勝岳噴火の推移
- 赤石山地北部の四万十帯
- 306 Great Serpentine Belt中の高圧変成岩 / 産状と年代
- 489 蛇紋岩メランジ中のブリスベーン変成岩 : 産状と年代
- 7 上月-龍野帯東南部に分布する"Ribbon Rocks"のK-Ar年代
- 島根県江津市田ノ原川層(三郡変成岩)からのペルム紀放散虫化石の発見
- ガラス円板を使った珪酸塩岩石中の微量元素の蛍光X線分析装置(Rh管球)による定量分析
- 北東ユーラシアの地殻の進化
- 渡島帯ジュラ紀石英長石質砂岩の組成と供給地質体
- 153. 渡島帯ジュラ紀砂岩中の砕屑性ジルコンの原生代 SHRIMP 年代
- 537 日高衝突帯前縁部イドンナップ帯におけるバイブロサイス反射断面(96HIDAKA)
- 520 日高バイブロサイス94と日高衝突帯の深部構造・テクトニクス(構造地質)
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- 358. 領家花崗岩類及び山陽帯花崗岩類の SHRIMP 年代
- 21世紀にむけての岩石学の展望 : I.高圧変成帯を中心として
- 変成岩と変成帯
- 362 神居古潭帯中部の蛇紋岩メランジュ中の変成岩ブロック
- 島根県美都町北東部の三郡変成岩中のアルカリ角閃石の産状と共生関係
- 島根県江津市東部に分布する波積南テクトニック・メランジ : 地質・岩石・構造
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- 岡山県勝山北方,神庭ノ滝付近の石灰岩オリストリス虫の紡錘虫類
- 第2白糸トンネル岩盤崩落と渡島半島西縁部の地質
- 長野県伊那地方の御荷鉾緑色岩類中に産する雲母片岩のK-Ar年齢
- 珪化木の形成過程における組織構造と鉱物形成-3-珪化作用における樹脂様物質の役割〔英文〕
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- 205 サハリン中部の広域変成岩
- サハリン中部の広域変成岩類
- 249. 壷の沢変成岩 : 始生代ジルコンの供給からオルドビス紀末の形成まで
- 376. 日高変成帯グラニュライト相-角閃岩相変成岩中の流体包有物 : 特に包接化合物の産状について
- 483 デイサイトの貫入による微弱な熱変成作用 : 理系大学一般教育の教材として
- 313 変成岩中の流体包有物(2) : 日高変成帯南部
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- 476 旭川市北西方幌内山周辺の神居古潭帯泥質片岩の変形と構造
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- 478 南富良野町落合岳周辺の変成作用
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- 三郡変成帯の年代論と変成岩に関するノート
- パンペリー石-アクチノ閃石片岩中のパンペリー石の安定領域に関する実験結果(予報)
- 408 planar featuresのある石英 : 御池山はインパクトクレーターか?(セッション4)