口腔内発症を伴った先天性表皮水疱症の 1 例
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Recently, we have experienced a case of congenital bulla disease in a new bone male infant. The main symptoms of bulla formation and disquamation on abdominal and sacral skin and on peripheral skin of the anus region appeared alternatively and tylosis of nail was seen at the same time. However, this seems to be a rare case in which thumb size bulla formation accompanied specifically in oral mucous membrane. Hereditary relation was not recognized, so we considered it pertain in to Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica group by Hashimoto's classificantion on the basis of clinical and histpathilogical findings. We make a report in detail of this case with a few additional considerations on the literature.
- 1985-04-25
中島 嘉助
中島 嘉助
野坂 嵩
広実 厚夫
中島 嘉助
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