鶏胚大腿骨に及ぼす唾液腺 Hormone の影響に関する培養学的研究
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With recent discovery and developments in the research of thyroid and parathyroid hormones, attention is again given to the studies on the hormones. Parotin, a salivary gland hormone which has long been established, is recognized as possessing a function that accelerates calcification of hard tissues such as teeth and bone, and that affects hyper metabolism of blood sugar. Numerous reports, experimental or clinical, on the subjects have been made, but research on direct effect of salivary gland hormone on normal bone tissue with the use of tissue culture method is limited, to the author's knowledge, to the one by Yosoji Ito. His culture medium, however, contained in quantity materials which would promote growth and development of normal tissues. His studies, therefore, is subject to questions to be used in bioassay of salivary gland hormone. With this in mind, the author was conducted an experiment as described below and obtained some findings. 1. Femurs of white leghorns of stages 30 and 31 were employed. Rose multipurpose chamber method with Eagle m.e.m. was adapted (added 10% calf serum). Cellulose membrane of pore size 24 with possible filtration of molecular weight 20, 000 was used in place of cellophane strip. 2. Medium changing inclusive of salivary gland hormone was done every third day. Photographing by phase contrast microscopic method was done of each culture. 3. Measuring results of longitudinal bone growth showed that the control group (non-addition of the hormone) had the highest development. When the extracted bones were cultured in various doses of the hormone, the longitudinal growth of cultured bones became lower as the dose was increased. 4. Slacking and stopping of width growth occurred between 5-7th days for cultured bone in groups of over 100γ group. Morphologically, the rate of width growth of the cultured bone decreased with an increase in the density of the hormone. The control group and groups up to and inclusive of 30γ group, and groups ranging from 150γ to 300γ showed a similar width growth changing. Each cultured bone in groups ranging from 60γ to 100γ showed different changes of its own. 5. In rate of area growth of the cultured bone, the control group was the highest. The growth rate decreased with an increase in the density of the hormone. 6. Histological examinations of the cultured bones showed more differentiation of tissue in the 100γ group than in the control one. The 100γ group in particular showed the highest differentiation. In groups of over 150γ, degenerative process, contrary to differentiation, was significant. 7. On the bases of the foregoings, it became known that salivary gland hormone, Parotin, had a restrictive effect on the growth of the cultured bones but an accelerative effect on tissue differentiation. It also became known that the hormone in high-dose groups had a restrictive effect on tissue differentiation.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1974-09-30
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