フッ化物取扱い工場就業者の口腔衛生学的考察 : 歯牙・歯周疾患について
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The present authors undertook to carry out a dental survey on a total of 95 male employees aged 20 to 55 years in a chemical plant where these workers have been exposed to the irritant dust and gas consisting of fluoride, acid and alkali. With the recent progress and expansion of modern industry, a variety of new and unfamilliar chemicals and engineering techniques have been introduced. Vast changes have been brought about in the working environment and operation in the factory. Various kinds of health hazards are inevitable results under such a situation. The term "Occupational disease" caused from long year-service has affected the employee either locally or generally of his peculier illness. The studies on the relationship between the occupational disease and the working environment are many. However charactor of the industrial group including the general dental disease such as dental caries, periodontal disease, etc. are still unclear. The purpose of this report is to certify above items between fluoride factory employees and control group. In the average number of DMF-T, there was no difference between the employee-group and the control. Incidence of white spot was observed in 37 of the employees examined and 45.7% to 54.3% of the upper premolars were suffering for this lesion. Defect of tooth hard tissue was observed in 16 employees among those having white spot. In the average of PMA Index, P-I and M-I, significant differences between emplyee-group and the control were found out. In the Gingival-Bone Count, employee-group showed a higher level than the control on [numerical formula], especially <1|>^^^- was a significantly higher (2.00±0.16).
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1981-05-25
佐伯 榮一
落合 眞澄
藤井 修一
落合 俊
落合 俊
落合 俊
佐伯 榮一
- 九州歯科大学附属病院における初診患者の統計的観察(その 1)
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- 11∿1040 中華民国台湾省高山族の歯牙・歯周疾患に関する疫学的研究 : 第 4 報乳歯齲蝕罹患形態について
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- 67. 中華民国台湾省高山族の歯牙・歯周疾患に関する疫学的研究(第 40 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
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- P∿12 Streptococcus mutans AHT 株(血清型 g)の glucosyltransferase イソ酵素 (pI5. 1) が合成するグルカンの構造
- P∿11 Streptococcus mutansAHT 株(血清型 g)から新たに見出した glucosyltransferase 第 4 イソ酵素 (pI5. 5) の精製と性状
- P∿10 Streptococcus mutansAHT 株(血清型 g)の精製 glucosyltransferase イソ酵素 (pI5. 1,5. 8) に対するウサギ抗血清の酵素活性阻害効果
- 11. Streptococcus mutans AHT 株の水溶性グルカン合成酵素の性状(第 44 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
- P∿11 Streptococcus mutans AHT 株の水溶性グルカン合成酵素の性状
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- P∿20 プリン分解系の進化 : アラントイナーゼ (ALN) とアラントイカーゼ (ALC) の細胞内存在様式
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