Durability of FTLA Treatment as a Medicament for Dentin Hypersensitivity : Abrasion Resistance and Profiles of Fluoride Release
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the durability of tubules occluded with FTLA treatment by toothbrush abrasion test on the applied surface and by measuring fluoride release from the FTLA components. Dentin specimens with simulated hypersensitive surfaces were treated with APF containing tannic acid. After which, the specimens received lanthanum-chloride-with-powdered-fluoroapatite-glass-ceramics treatment. The specimens were subjected to toothbrush abrasion test up to 6,000 strokes. SEM observation revealed that dentinal tubules of the FTLA treated specimens were completely occluded with fine deposits even after toothbrush abrasion of 6,000 strokes. EPMA analysis revealed that fluoride, lanthanum, and aluminum were the main FTLA components on the dentin surface after 6,000-stroke abrasion. To measure fluoride release from the FTLA components, a slurry was enclosed in a cellulose tube and suspended in deionized water at 37℃. After fluoride was dialyzed against deionized water, a high concentration of fluoride was found to be released from FTLA the components, indicating FTLA treatment's prominent durability. These results suggested that FTLA treatment has a superior resistance against toothbrush abrasion and a high fluoride-releasing performance. These characteristics lend much weight to showing that the FTLA method is an effective and durable medicament for dentin hypersensitivity.
- 日本歯科理工学会の論文
岡田 周策
Shimane University
Fujihara T
Shimane University
Fujihara Tsutomu
Department Of Natural Science Division Of Dental Bioengineering Kanagawa Dental College
Department of Oral Medicine, Division of Operative Dentistry and Endodontics, Kanagawa Dental Colleg
MUKAI Yoshiharu
Department of Oral Medicine, Division of Operative Dentistry and Endodontics, Kanagawa Dental Colleg
OKADA Shusaku
Department of Oral Medicine, Division of Operative Dentistry and Endodontics, Kanagawa Dental Colleg
NEGISHI Hideyuki
Department of Natural Science, Division of Dental Bioengineering, Kanagawa Dental College
Department of Natural Science, Division of Dental Bioengineering, Kanagawa Dental College
UEDA Masahiko
Department of Research and Development, Taihei Chemical Industrial Co. Ltd.
Department of Research and Development, Taihei Chemical Industrial Co. Ltd.
Department of Oral Medicine, Division of Operative Dentistry and Endodontics, Kanagawa Dental Colleg
岡田 周策
岡田 周策
Okada Shusaku
Division Of Operative Dentistry And Endodontics Department Of Oral Medicine Kanagawa Dental College
Okada Shusaku
Department Of Operative Dentistry & Endodontics Kanagawa Dental College
Ueda Masahiko
Department Of Research And Development Taihei Chemical Industrial Co. Ltd.
Kawase Toshio
Department Of Natural Science Division Of Dental Bioengineering Kanagawa Dental College
Nakagawa Sohei
Department Of Research And Development Taihei Chemical Industrial Co. Ltd.
Negishi Hideyuki
Department Of Industrial Chemistry Faculty Of Science And Technology Science University Of Tokyo
Teranaka Toshio
Department Of Oral Medicine Division Of Restorative Dentistry Kanagawa Dental College
Teranaka Toshio
Department Of Operative Dentistry And Endodontics Kanagawa Dental College
Mukai Yoshiharu
Department Of Oral Medicine Division Of Restorative Dentistry Kanagawa Dental College
Kawase Toshio
Department Of Biochemistry Faculty Of Dentistry Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Mukai Yoshiharu
Department Of Oral Hygiene And Oral Health Showa University School Of Dentistry
Tomiyama Kiyoshi
Division Of Restorative Dentistry Department Of Oral Medicine Kanagawa Dental College
Negishi H
Department Of Natural Science Division Of Dental Bioengineering Kanagawa Dental College
Mukai Yoshiharu
Department Of Hygiene And Oral Health Showa University School Of Dentistry
Teranaka Toshio
Division of Restorative Dentistry, Department of Oral Medicine, Kanagawa Dental College
Department of Cariology and Restorative Dentistry, Graduate School of Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental University
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