Nitrogen Utilization in Sheep Fed a Low-Quality Hay with Oral Supplement of Urea
藤原 勉
Faculty of Bioresources, Mie University
藤原 勉
Faculty Of Bioresources Mie University
Shimane University
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- Comparison of carcass and meat characteristics of Brahman grade cattle (Bos indicus) and crossbred water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) fed on high roughage diet
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- Nitrogen Utilization in Sheep Fed a Low-Quality Hay with Oral Supplement of Urea
- Nitrogen Utilization in Sheep Fed a Low-Quality Hay with Oral Supplement of Urea
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- Eating and rumination behaviour in Brahman grade cattle and crossbred water buffalo fed on high roughage diet
- 生草又は乾草を摂取しているヒツジの採食,反芻行動に対する飲水量の影響について