戦後ユース・サブカルチャーズについて(2) : フーテン族からアンノン族へ
- 論文の詳細を見る
'Futen-zoku (The Vagabond Tribe)' emerged in the summer of 1967. They gathered the small park in front of the east gate of Shinjuku station. They called it 'Green House'. In the 1960s, Shinjuku was the hottest venue for the youth and there were many spots where events of avant-garde, underground or alternative culture were occurred and performed. Futen-zoku stayed there without doing anything all day long and sometime they indulged themselves in using drugs or chemicals, e. g. thinner, glue and sleeping pill. They wore eccentric clothing. The mass media took them up in a 'moral panic', because of their license, idleness and neglect of orthodox gender roles. However, they didn't have any firm belief or cause or their own media. So, they disappeared the following year and their subcultural values were taken over by other youth subcultures. Futen-zoku belonged to Dankai-no-Sedai (the Japanese Babyboomer generation), and their social class backgrounds were not so low. 'Annon-Zoku' (whose members intensively read the women's magazines, "an・an" and "non・no") was born in 1972. It was the first youth subculture of which members were mainly young women. Led by articles of those magazines, they took trips to historic cities (Kyoto, Kamakura etc.), scenic locales (Karuizawa, Hokkaido etc.) or exotic towns where Western people have lived since olden times (Nagasaki, Kobe etc.). They were usually college students or office workers (OL, in Japanese). So, their social class backgrounds were also not so low, and they belonged to the Dankai or post-Dankai generation. In the early 1970s, a girl from middle or upper class family wasn't permitted to take a trip by herself yet. 'Annon-Zoku' did not represent deviance, but created certain 'gender trouble' under the circumstances of the 1970s. They were sneered at because of their uniformity or vulnerability to the influence of the media. However, they reflected the atmosphere of the 'Women's Lib' period, too. These two youth subcultures were considered to be consumption-oriented or superfluities of affluent society. However, they were important as the heralds of youth culture in the 1980s and 1990s.
- 関西学院大学の論文
- 2004-10-28
- テレビ・コマーシャルの考古学 : 昭和30年代を問い直す(第32期第6回研究会(メディア史研究部企画),研究会の記録(2009年11月〜2010年3月))
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- 「Jターン」試論--日本におけるユース・サブカルチャーズの受容と変容
- 吉見俊哉編「戦争の表象」東京大学出版会、2006
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- 渋カジ考
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- 戦後ユース・サブカルチャーズについて(2) : フーテン族からアンノン族へ
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