微生物の石油化学工業への応用 : (第1報) 微生物によるニトリル化合物の資化について
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For the application of microorganisms to the petrochemical industry, the authors firstly studied with nitrile compounds. In this paper, acetonitrile was used for isolation and the cultivation of microorganisms. Corynebacterium nitrilophilus nov. sp. and Corynebacterium sp. which can assimilate acetonitrile were newly isolated from activated sludge.The following results were obtaiend through the cultivatin of acetonitrile assimilating bacteria.(1) Corynebacterium nitriophilus nov. sp. is a comparatively large bacterium which is very pleomorphic as exident from the Fig. 1.(2) Coryneb. nitriophilus nov. sp. C-42 can assimilate several kinds of synthetic compounds; nitrile compounds (mono, and di-nitrile) hydrocarbons, carboxilic acids, alcoholes, and ketones.(3) Coryneb. nitriliophilus nov. sp. C-42 can grwo in as high as 3.0% of acetonitrile, but the growth might be depressed by the accumulation of ammonium that is liberated from acetonitrile.(4) Assimilable amount of acetonitrile is about one percent by the usual operation of shaking culture.(5) Possible metabolic pathways of acetonitrile assimilation by Coryneb. nitrilophilus is presented as in Fig 6.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1969-10-25
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