脱脂大豆からの蛋白質抽出率に対するIrpex lacteus培養濾液の影響
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About half of the protein in defatted soy bean can be usually extracted with hot water, but the remaining is difficult it extract by this procedure. In a previous investigation, a high yield of protein was attained by treating these soy bean materials with cellulase preparations from Trichoderma viride. A similar attempt was made, using other enzyme preparations from a wood-rotting fungus, Irpex lacteus (Polyporus tulipiferae) which is known to produce a good deal of cellulase and hemicellulase.Promising results were obtained as to the extraction of protein by using culture filtrates of the fungus, but no conclusive evidence for the correlation between the yield of protein and the cellulase activity was found. Attention was, therefore, paid to estabilish what sorts of enzyme mainly participate in the extraction of protain.Since cellulase and hemicellulase are commonly assumed to be adaptive enzymes, the fungus was cultured on several substrates, such as malt, bran, cotton, defatted soy bean and soy bean hull, which contain cellulose or hemicellulose or both. Proteiase activities in the culture filtrates were also measured in addition to the activities of cellulase and hemicellulase.Among the culture filtrates, cotton-culture showed an extremely high level of cellulase activity, and the cultures of bran and soy bean hull were considerably rich in himicellulase activity. Each culture filtrate was added to the residue of defatted soy bean, which had been obtained by pretreatment with hot water. After a few day incubataion at 30°, a net increase in total and amino-nitrogens in the incubation mixtures was determined by the Micro-Kjeldahl and van Slyke methods, respectively.It was found that 78.7% of the insoluble part of nitrogen in the residue was extracted by the bran-cluture, 58.6% by the soy bean hull-culture, 24.1% by the defatted soy bean-culture, 27.6% the cotton-culture. The extraction rate appeared to be approximately parallel with the activity of protease in each filtrate. Although the protease activity in the cotton-culture was about one third of that in the soy bean-culture, protein extraction by the former was higher in rate than that by the latter. It does not seem, theregore, that protease alone plays a role in extracting protein from the defatted soy bean. Several kinds of reducing sugar were produced in the incubation filtrate of pre-extracted soy bean after treatment with culture filtrates. Examination by paper chromatography revealed that arabinose and galactose occupied major part of the sugars which consisted of glucose, xylose, arabinose and galactose. These sugars appeared to occur in the incubation mixtures almost at the same rate as nitrogeneous compounds, but no detecable glucose and cellobiose, which are possible products from cellulose by the action of cellulase, were found in the mixtures. On the basis of these facts, it seemed reasonable to assume that hemicellulase and protease may mainly be responsible for the additional extraction of protein from defatted soy bean. However, the possibility cannot be excluded that a cellulase of the C_1-type might also participate in this process. Further studies are also necessary for the elucidation of the role of other enzymes, such as pectinase and protopectinase.
- 公益社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1964-07-15
尾崎 八郎
西沢 一俊
田崎 龍一
西沢 一俊
尾崎 八郎
田崎 龍一
- 312 Irpex cellulaseの分子量の大きい方のAvicelase成分の精製と性質
- Irpex lacteus の2種セルラーゼの純化とその性質
- 311. Irpex lactesの生産するCellulaseの2成分の性質
- 13. Irpex lacteus Cellulaseの2成分の純化および二, 三の性質
- 9. 細菌の細胞外およびcell-boundセルラーゼ成分
- Pseudomonas fluorescens var. cellulosaにおける cellulase の誘導生成
- 53. Pseudomonasセルラーゼの誘導生成
- 33 ジベレリンとイネ胚乳切片のホスファターゼ・アイソザイムについて
- Starch-zone電気永動ならびにカラムクロマトグラフィによるTrichoderma virideよりの各種cellulase成分の分離
- Pseudomonas fluorescens var.cellulosaのセルラーゼの研究
- Irpex lacteus の Cellulase の分画と各成分の性質
- 59. Irpex lacteusの2, 3のcellulase成分の性質
- Irepex lacteusのcellulase系について
- 313 Trichoderma virideにおけるAvicelase成分とCMCase成分間の相助効果について
- Tcrihoderma セルラーゼの諸性質, 特にキシランに対する作用性
- A.C.S.分科会"Cellulaseとその応用(1969)"における二, 三の話題(その2)
- 436 Trichoderma viride変異株におけるセルラーゼの生成
- 435 Pseudomonas fluorescens var. cellulosaにおけるセルラーゼの生成
- Trichoderma virideのキシラナーゼ作用をもつセルラーゼ成分
- 310. Trichoderma virideセルラーゼ成分のセルラーゼ作用とキシラナーゼ作用
- 309. Thricoderma virideのいわゆる C_1酵素について
- 307. Trichoderma vivideセルラーゼの誘導および抑制について
- Trichodermaセルラーゼ成分のセロオリゴ糖に対する作用様式
- 合成および天然培地におけるTrichoderma virideセルラーゼ成分のカラムクロマトグラフィー分析
- Further studies on the nature of macerating enzymes from Rhizopus sp. (セルラーゼシンポジウム)
- 10. Trichoderma viride各種セルラーゼ成分の合成培地における動向
- 9. Trichoderma virideより得た3種のセルラーゼ成分の性質 (続報)
- 第7回 セルラーゼ・シンポジウム記録
- 52. 動物起源のセルラーゼに関する研究
- Cellulose の酵素的分解機序
- B14 イネの発芽時における二・三の酵素活性ならびにRNA合成に対するジベレリンの影響
- A3 紅藻オオシコロにおける紅藻デンプンの生合成
- A2 褐藻における炭酸暗固定について
- 56 紅藻・オオシコロにおけるオリゴ糖の生理的役割について
- 56 紅藻・オオシコロにおけるオリゴ糖の生理的役割について
- 15 褐藻および紅藻における光合成に伴う^Cの取込みと分布
- ACS分科会"Cellulaseとその応用(1969)"における二, 三の話題(その1)
- ACS分科会"Cellulaseとその応用(1969)"における二, 三の話題(その1)
- 植物学における化学の役割(科学における化学の役割)
- 植物学における化学の役割(科学における化学の役割)
- 58. Trichodermaセルラーゼ成分の分離と2, 3の性質について
- 58. Trichodermaセルラーゼ成分の分離と2, 3の性質について
- 第141回アメリカ化学総会「セルラーゼシンポジウム」に出席して
- 第141回アメリカ化学総会「セルラーゼシンポジウム」に出席して
- 7.Cellulaseの酵素的分解機作(セルレース研究会第1回シンポジウム記録)(特別講演)
- 7.Cellulaseの酵素的分解機作(セルレース研究会第1回シンポジウム記録)(特別講演)
- 清酒中のグリセリンの比色定量に就いて
- 脱脂大豆からの蛋白質抽出率に対するIrpex lacteus培養濾液の影響
- 4 調味料とは
- (5)脱脂大豆に対するセルレースの作用
- ヒラガラガラ表皮細胞の単離とその生化学活性の研究〔英文〕