48 苗畑にて選抜されたカラマツの四倍体
- 論文の詳細を見る
1) In the summer of 1951 we discovered 8 tetraploids (2-years stock) of Larix Kaempferi in the nurseries.2) In comparison with the diploids and the tetraploids, following characteristics are noted. (1) The tetraploids did not showed marked gigantic form but had a little thicker needles than those of diploids.(2) In the length of guard cell, the tetraploids were about 35 percent larger and the number of stomata per unit area tetraploids were smaller about 35 percent than those of diploids.3) These tetraploids are probably produced by the following three processes. (1) As the case of No. 46 (roots 2n=24,shoots 2n=48), apical bud would be doubled the chromosomes at the early stage of germination. (2) As the case of No. 44 the period of 1-year seedling was diploid and the growing point of apical bud would be doubled at the bigining of the 2nd-year growth. (3) In the 3rd case, the doubling of chromosomes seems to be occurred at the early stage of zygote after fertilization or embryo development.
- 日本森林学会の論文
- 1952-09-25
- スギ赤枯病抵抗性個体の選拔
- 苗畑, 新植地からのスギ耐寒性個体の選拔
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- 48 苗畑にて選抜されたカラマツの四倍体
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