接合菌Circinella muscaeの固定化と固定化菌体によるML-236B(Compactin)のリン酸化
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Several photo-crosslinkable resins, alginate, and κ-carrageenan were used for the immobilization of spores of Circinella muscae. The germination and growth of the cells and ability to convert ML-236B, a potent hypocholesterolemic agent, into 5'-phospho ML-236B were observed. Of the polymer tested, the photo-crosslinkable resins were not effective in the immobilization of mycelia of the growing cells. Growing cells were effectively immobilized by alginate, but gels were gradually broken during ML-236B conversion. On the other hand, κ-carrageenan was effective in both immobilization and ML-236B conversion. When κ-carrageenan-immobilized cells were repeatedly used in the transformation of ML-236B(0.5mg/ml), their conversion activity was reduced by 60% after 8 consecutive experiments.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1986-11-25
遠藤 章
村川 茂雄
遠藤 章
東京農工大 農
遠藤 章
菊地 一憲
違藤 章
村川 茂雄
Endo Akira
Department Of Agricultural And Biological Chemistry Tokyo Noko University
遠藤 章
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