Refutability and Reliability for Inductive Inference of Recursive Real-Valued Functions
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Inductive inference gives us a theoretical model of concent learning from examples. In this paper, we study refutably and reliably inductive inference of recursive real-valued functions. First we introduce the new criteria REALREFEX for refutable inference and REALRELEX for reliable inference. Then, we compare these two criteria with REALEx for identification in the limit, REALFlN for learning finitely and REALNUM! for learning by enumeration that have been already introduced in the previous works, and investigate their interaction. In particular, we show that REALREFEX and REALRELEX are closed under union, as similar as the criteria REFEX and RELEX for inductive inference of recursive functions.
- 社団法人情報処理学会の論文
- 2005-01-15
Faculty of Information Sciences, Hiroshima City University
Department of Business Administration, The University of Kitakyushu
Department f Artificial Intelligence, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Department of Informatics, Kyushu University
Arikawa S
Kyushu Univ.
Arikawa Setsuo
Department Of Informatics Kyushu University
Arikawa Setsuo
Dept.of Informatics Of Information Sci.and Electrical Eng. Kyushu Univ.
Miyahara Tetsuhiro
The Graduate School Of Information Sciences Hiroshima City University
平田 耕一
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