- 論文の詳細を見る
The rice stripe virus , a circulative and propagative virus transmitted by Laodelphax striatellus, has been considered to be a spherical particle of about 30 nm in diameter. However, branched filamentous particles of about 400 nm in total length and about 8 nm in width were found in rice leaves infected with the virus by the direct negative staining method. These particles are quite different in morphology from any other virus particles so far reported, but have never been found in healthy rice leaves. These particles were purified from the virus-infected rice leaves by 10% sucrose cushion centrifugation, chloroform treatment followed by Triton X-100 treatment, sucrose density gradient centrifugation, and finally by D_2O sucrose equilibrium centrifugation. The purified preparation containing a large number of the branched filamentous particles but no spherical particles showed to retain infectivity in inoculation tests by microinjections to L. striatellus, and also showed to be a nucleoprotein by UV absorption spectrum. From these results it is concluded that the rice stripe virus is a branched filamentous particle. When observed at high magnifications under the electron microscope, the particle is a slender filament, 3 nm in width, of circular structure which usually takes the form of a super-coiled helix. The pitch of the secondary helix is 6 nm. No uniformity is found in the number of branches, and sometimes some parts of the particle show loop-like pattern due to partial loosening of the super-coiled helix.
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1975-04-25
- (221) Rice tungro bacilliform virusおよびrice tungro spherical virusの核酸 (平成2年度大会講演要旨)
- (219) イネゴールドワーフウイルスゲノムのcDNAクローニング (平成2年度大会講演要旨)
- (8)国内産リンゴ奇形果病分離株の接ぎ木伝染特性(東北部会講演要旨,平成19年度地域部会講演要旨)
- (288) 遺伝的変異によると考えられるリンゴの果面さびと粗皮症状 (日本植物病理学会大会)
- (17) 檳子 (クラブリンゴ) に発現する接ぎ木伝染性粗皮症状 (東北部会)
- リンゴゆず果病罹病樹に特異的なウイロイドの検出
- (305) リンゴゆず果病罹病樹より検出されたウイロイド様RNAについて (平成元年度日本植物病理学大会講演要旨)
- リンゴさび果病罹病樹から抽出した低分子RNAのリンゴ実生への転搬
- イネ縞葉枯ウイルスの純化
- (169) イネ縞葉枯ウイルスの諸性質について (昭和49年度日本植物病理学会大会講演要旨)