ササゲおよびアズキにおけるウイルスの種子伝染 : 1. 種子伝染に関与する要因
- 論文の詳細を見る
Seed transmission of azuki bean mosaic virus (AzMV), cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus (CAMV, identical with cowpea mosaic virus reported by McLean, 1941), cucumber mosaic virus (an isolate from a mosaic-diseased plant of azuki bean), and subclover mottle virus (a strain of broad bean wilt virus) was examined in artificially infected plants of azuki bean (Phaseolus angularis) and cowpea (Vigna catjang and V. sesquipe-dalis). Seed transmission was demonstrated for AzMV in azuki bean plants, and for CAMV in cowpea plants, but not for other virus-host combinations so far tested. There was variation among different varieties of host and among different strains of virus, for seed transmission. In azuki bean, for instance, the percentage of transmission of AzMV by seed from the varieties Wase-Dairyu and Oodate No.2 was 14.7% and 5.6%, respectively. The percentage of transmission for strains of CAMV, viz. CAMV-3 and CAMV-1 through the seed of cowpea, Kurodane-16 variety, was 21.4% and 0.5%, respectively. Rate of seed transmission was not affected by the season during which seeds were produced, or by the location of seeds in individual pods. Mixed infection of the plant with a certain non-seed transmissible virus, did not influence percentage of seed transmission of AzMV or CAMV. In azuki bean, AzMV may be carried by seed over four years of storage with no decrease in the percentage of transmission. Treatments of the infected azuuki bean seeds with hot-water at 50-75°C for 10-420 minutes, or with hot-air at 40°C for 10-40 days, failed to decrease the percentage of seed transmission. (Received October 20, 1969)
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1970-03-30
- イネ縞葉枯ウイルスの純化
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- サトウキビgrassyshoot病植物に見出され,その病原と考えられるマイコプラズマ様微生物について
- イネわい化ウイルスの性状ならびに細胞内所見
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- ササゲおよびアズキにおけるウイルスの種子伝染 : III. 胚感染と種子伝染との関係
- ササゲおよびアズキにおけるウイルスの種子伝染 : II. 配偶子感染と種子伝染との関係
- ササゲおよびアズキにおけるウイルスの種子伝染 : 1. 種子伝染に関与する要因
- ササゲおよびアズキにモザイク病をおこすウイルスとその種子伝染性
- イネいもち病菌で見出された多面体ウイルス