- 論文の詳細を見る
If we could have a common assembly language, it would be quite profitable. For instance, if a compiler is written once in the common language, it can be applicable to any other computers. Then, the author proposes a new simple language called "Common Assembly Language(CAL)." As CAL is so simple, if an assembler has an ability to define so-called macro instructions, all of CAL instructions can be easily defined as macros. Otherwise CAL must be converted by its conversion perogram called "Language Conversion Program(LCP)" which is able to convert not only CAL to any assembly language but also any context free language to others. The LCP converts CAL instructions according to "Specincation Language(SL)" which specifies how to translate each CAL instructions. The LCP has successfully converted LCP itself which was carefully written in COBOL. These systems are expected to be used by other applications.
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