シリコン融液の表面張力測定 : 気相の酸素分圧制御を中心として(<小特集>バルク結晶成長の新しいアプローチ)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Previous studies on the measurements of surface tension of molten silicon containing our recent results were critically reviewed as follows: 1) brief discussions based on the Keene's review on the reported literature values of surface tension σ and its temperature coefficient dσ/dT mainly in relation to the effect of impurities, especially oxygen, by the contamination during the measurements of σ and dσ/dT, 2) short introduction and comments on the various methods for the surface tension measurement reported after the publication of Keene's review, 3) thermodynamic feature of the molten silicon-gas system concerning the relation between partial pressure P_<o2> of oxygen and SiO, and also the relation between oxygen concentration in the silicon and P_<o2>, etc., based on our results, 4) treatment of oxygen in the system for the surface tension measurements, for examples, the method and apparatus for controlling P_<o2> of the system and the quantitative influence of oxygen on σ and dσ/dT, which were obtained by our study.
- 日本結晶成長学会の論文
- 1996-06-25
- 表面張力と表面エネルギー
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- アルミナ, ハーシナイト両固相と平衡する溶鉄の組成
- アルミニウム脱酸鉄におけるアルミナ介在物の核生成
- 溶融スズの表面張力の温度, 酸素分圧依存性
- Pr=0.01液体のマランゴニ対流実験研究 (1) - 界面の酸化防止および非接触温度計測技術の検討 -