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Slag foaming was directly observed in a CaO-SiO_2-Al_2O_3-FeO slag and Fe-C alloy (C=4.5 mass%) system using a high temperature X-ray radiographic technique at 1773 K. The foaming behavior was characterized by measuring the index of foaming power <κ_1>, the foam life <τ>, the bubble diameter of CO gas <d_B>, the CO gas evolution rates during the observations and the wettability between the slag and metal. The results obtained in the present study were as follows : The index <κ_1> and the foam life <τ> were found to be almost constant during the observations, then the slag foaming behaviour in the system was described by Ito-Fruehan's equation. A small amount of sulphur addition to the system remarkably reduces the CO gas evolution rates. The sulphur addition increases bubble diameter <d_B>, which results in the reduction of <κ_1> and <τ>. Then the sulphur addition drastically reduces the slag foaming in this system. Therefore, the adjustment of sulfer concentration in the system is one of the most important points for controlling the slag foaming. Main cause for the increase in the bubble diameter <d_B> can be explained from the increase in the contact angle <θ> between slag and metal by the sulphur addition.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1992-11-01
- WEEE中の金属リサイクルに関する研究 : 金属含有量インベントリ作成のための調査2
- Vapor Pressure of Zinc and Zinc Chloride in the Fe_tO-CaO-SiO_2-Al_2O_3 Slag System
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- Thermodynamic Predictions on the Vaporization Behaviors of Zn/Pb from FeO-CaO-SiO_2-Al_2O_3-Fe_2O_3 Slag System
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- カルシウム化合物浮上分離法によるアルミニウム合金溶湯からの不純物シリコンの除去 (特集号 リサイクルと環境問題を考える)
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- The Role of Foaming Agent in Structure and Mechanical Performance of Al Based Foams
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- Development of New Foaming Agent for Metal Foam
- 金属資源の現状と循環使用 (特集 地域と世界に貢献する東北大学多元物質科学研究所)
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