Mechanical Thrombolysis for Treatment of Acute Sinus Thrombosis : Case Report
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A 55-year-old woman presented with consciousness disorders. Computed tomography revealed hemorrhage in the left temporoparietal region. The angiographic diagnosis was progressive sinus thrombosis from the superior sagittal sinus to the bilateral transverse sinuses. Her condition deteriorated despite heparin administration. Therefore, mechanical thrombolysis was performed for sinus thrombosis using a balloon catheter, in addition to supportive thrombolytic therapy with urokinase, resulting in sinus patency. Mechanical thrombolysis is an effective therapeutic modality for sinus thrombosis refractory to heparin administration.
- 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
- 2005-12-15
SHINDO Atsushi
Department of Neurological Surgery, Kagawa University Faculty of Medicine
Department of Neurobiology, Kagawa University Faculty of Medicine
Department of Neurological Surgery, Kagawa University Faculty of Medicine
Department of Neurological Surgery, Kagawa University Faculty of Medicine
TAMIYA Takashi
Department of Neurological Surgery, Kagawa University Faculty of Medicine
中村 丈洋
OGAWA Daisuke
Department of Medicine and Clinical Science (Internal Medicine III), Okayama University Graduate Sch
山下 史朗
Nagao Seigo
香川大学 医学部脳神経外科
Nagao Seigo
Department Of Neurological Surgery Kagawa University Faculty Of Medicine
Nagao S
Department Of Neurological Surgery Kagawa University School Of Medicine
Ogawa Daisuke
Department Of Neurological Surgery Kagawa University School Of Medicine Kagawa
山下 史朗
Nagao S
Department Of Neurological Surgery Kagawa University
Nagao Seigo
Department Of Neurological Surgery Kagawa Medical School
Tamiya Takashi
香川大学 医学部脳神経外科
Tamiya Takashi
Department Of Neurological Surgery Kagawa University Faculty Of Medicine
Department of Neurological Surgery, Kagawa University School of Medicine
KURODA Yasuhiro
Emergency Medical Center, Kagawa University Hospital
Nakamura Takehiro
Department Of Neurobiology Kagawa University Faculty Of Medicine
Shindo Atsushi
Department Of Neurological Surgery Kagawa University Faculty Of Medicine
Nagao Seigo
Department Of Neurological Surgery Kagawa University School Of Medicine
KURODA Yasuhiro
Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Kagawa University Hospital
Tamiya Takashi
Department Of Neurological Surgery Kagawa University School Of Medicine
山下 史朗
Departments of Neurological Surgery, Kagawa University School of Medicine
Kuroda Yasuhiro
Emergency Medical Center Kagawa University Hospital
Nakamura Takehiro
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Science And Technology Keio University
Yamashita Shiro
Department Of Neurological Surgery Kagawa University School Of Medicine
Ogawa Daisuke
Department Of Medicine And Clinical Science (internal Medicine Iii) Okayama University Graduate Scho
Yamashita Susumu
Department Of Neurological Surgery Kagawa University School Of Medicine
Yamashita Shiro
Departments Of Neurological Surgery Kagawa University School Of Medicine:(present Address)department
Tamiya Takashi
Department Of Neurological Surgery Faculty Of Medicine Kagawa University
Yamashita Shiro
Department Of Emergency And Critical Care Medicine Kagawa University Hospital
Matsumoto Yoshihito
Department Of Neurological Surgery Kagawa University Faculty Of Medicine
Kawanishi Masahiko
Department Of Neurological Surgery Kagawa University School Of Medicine
Kuroda Yasuhiro
Department Of Emergency And Critical Care Medicine Kagawa University Hospital
Kawanishi Masahiko
Department Of Neurological Surgery Kagawa Medical University
Kuroda Yasuhiro
Department Of Applied Biochemistry Institute Of Glycotechnology Tokai University
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