近畿3府県小学校における学級担任の家庭科指導実態 (第1報) : 男女別・意識別
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The following observations were made after analysis of data gathered concerning the actual state of home economics instruction among home room teachers. The data was distinguished by gender and level of concern. (1) Among male teachers, Knowledge of how to instruct home economics was sketchy. (2) There appeared to be a difference in the facility with which instruction was carried out depending upon the gender and level of concern of the instructor. (3) It was difficult for male teachers to instruct in the area of clothing construction. (4) Women teachers possessed a degree of confidence when it came to instruction in clothing construction, but found it difficult to give instruction in theory. (5) Both male and female teachers found it difficult to teach the areas concerned with the family and the residence, but women in particular felt unequal to the task.
- 日本家庭科教育学会の論文
- 1984-08-20
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