現代青年の家族意識(第2報) : 現在の家族の認識と将来の家族への希望について
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The purpose and the method of this study were the same as the Previous one. Family recognition and expectation toward family of procreation are reported in this paper. The results were as follows : 1. Family recognition was effected by sex, whether their mothers were employed or unemployed, and family evaluation. 2. Expectation toward family of procreation was effected by sex, developmental stage, and family ideology. 3. They expected more toward family of procreation than toward family of orientation on items such as the following : Conjugal relations are good, husband and wife give more attention to the home, parents breed their children severely, and family members communicate with each other.
- 1984-05-15
- 現代青年の家族意識(第2報) : 現在の家族の認識と将来の家族への希望について
- 現代青年の家族意識(第1報) : 家族理念と家族評価について
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