K-0926 アルミナエポキシ複合材の電気特性(J05-4 物理特性・信頼性)(J05 複合材料の加工と評価)
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Positive temperature coefficient (PTC) thermostats are widely used in electronics for its switching and power limiting ability. It can also be used for sensing of different parameters through accurate measurement of temperature. For this, controlled the structure and stability of epoxy matrix with metallic doping is required at a very degree of accuracy for technical point of view. In this study, the effect of Aluminum (Al) particles on the structure and electrical properties of conductive carbon black/epoxy resin composites was investigated in details. Dynamic percolation curves in epoxy matrix were examined at various annealing temperature. The activation energy was calculated as a function of dynamic annealing temperature and various content of Al particles.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2001-08-22
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- K-0926 アルミナエポキシ複合材の電気特性(J05-4 物理特性・信頼性)(J05 複合材料の加工と評価)