818 手動車いすの構成が筋活動に及ぼす影響
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Japan becomes the world's first super-aged society. So the needs of a wheelchair increase with the increase in elderly and disability people. But, now many wheelchair users suffer from overuse of their elbows or shoulders, so the operation of a wheelchair is made more difficult for those people with a disability or insufficient strength. We are asked for solving these problems. We examine muscular activity of biceps, triceps, deltoid and pectoral while operating a wheelchair. We analyzed the relationship between the electromyogram (EMG) of these muscular and the driving torque at the different hand rim grip positions on the hand rim fixed to the rear wheel on the first 'push' on the hand rim while running the surface of a level road. By designing equipment, where we can pull or push a constant load from hanging on the hand rim, we also analyzed the relationship between the angle made by the upper arm and the body with 3-dimentional movement analysis and EMG of the muscles. The relationship between the angle made by the upper and lower arms and EMG of the muscles when the hand rim axis changes the position of the hand grip on the hand rim changes with a straight arm on the first 'pull'. We are going to decide which wheelchair configuration is best after considering each persons individual disability.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2002-09-13
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