609 ガスタービン翼精密鋳造時のふく射伝熱解析高速化 : 射度解析の簡易化(OS5-3 環境・エネルギーと熱流体)(OS5 環境とエネルギー問題)
- 論文の詳細を見る
In unidirectional precision casting of gas turbine blades, radiation is governing heat transfer between susceptor wall and ingot wall. Authors have proposed the method of calculating a form coefficient at high speed by introduction of an approximation formula and the plne scanning method. In this paper, the heat transfer calculation which used the view of the zone-method shoots, the method of simpligying and radiosity calculation analysisportion is proposed, and it is investigating about the accuracy with improvement in the speed of radiation heat transfer analysis using an easy model. Consequently, compared with the conventional analysis method, the ratio of sped dropped to 1/3 with the strict solution and the error of several perent.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2001-09-25
- 機械工学年鑑(1998年) 熱工学
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- 154 北海道大学における「創成科目」の実施状況 : 三年間の歩み(創成教育IV,第39セッション)