断面が階段状に急変する円弧棒の面内振動 : 細長比が小さい場合
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When the circular arc beam, of which the centerline is a circular arc, and the cross sections suddenly very stepwise, vibrates in the plane of the beam, the frequency equation is determined by using Hamilton's principle. This analysis was carried out by taking into account the effects of shearing deformation, rotary inertia, and moreover, deviation of the centroid from the neutral plane. Since the frequency equation became a transcendental equation, its solution was determined by the method of iterative calculation using a computer. However, it was assumed that the material quality of the beam used for the numerical calculation was the same in all steps, and that the cross sections were circular. Besides, the supporting condition at both ends was assumed to be fixed. Then, the relation of the dimensionless natural frequency with the diameter ratio and opening angle, and the natural mode of vibration were shown in figures.
- 1988-07-25
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