- 論文の詳細を見る
To make clear the effect of water content on wheel strength, three points bending tests have been performed, using resin bonded thin wheels. The degree of strength decreasing were remarkable at larger polocity of wheels, and that was constant under the more water content states. The bending strength increased with removing the water from wheel forcefully by heating, but the strength decreasing rate during immersing in water was remarkable, and after long time immersing, the strength of the wheel became weaker than the receivel state of wheel. These results were discussed, from the view of the strength change of composition materials, where water invading into the bond-grain interface from micro pore of the bond surface.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1998-06-25
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- 資料 川崎市の一工業高校における進路の事例
- 1998年告示の文部省中学校学習指導要領「技術・家庭」における技術分野の教育適用期間に関する一考察
- 普通教育としての技術教育内容の教育実践期間に関する一考察