Flowcytometric analysis of MUC 1 mucin production on the cell surface in human carcinoma cell lines
Suzuki N
Dept. Radiat. Oncol. Grad. Sch. Med. Univ. Tokyo
Sakai K
Resarch Center For Radiation Protection National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Suzuki Norio
Dept. Radiat. Oncol. Grad. Sch. Med. Univ. Tokyo
Suzuki Norio
東京大学 医系研究 救急医
Kang Yun
Radiat. Oncol. Grad. Sch. Med. Unv Of Tokyo.
Irimura Tatsuro
Laboratory Of Cancer Biology And Molecular Immunology ; Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences T
Lab. Public Health. Sch. Pharmacy and Life Science.
Dept. of Radiat. Oncol. Fac. of Med., Univ. of Tokyo
Dept. Radiat, Oncology., Fac. Med., Tokyo Univ.
Dept. Radiat, Oncology., Fac. Med., Tokyo Univ.
Irimura T
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
Div. of Cancer Biol. and Mol. Immunol. , Fac. of Pharmaceutical Sci. , Univ. of Tokyo
Sakata Koh-ichi
Department Of Radiology Sapporo Medical University School Of Medicine
Sakai Kazuo
Dept. Of Radiation Oncology Fac. Of Medicine Univ. Of Tokyo
Suzuki Norio
Dept. Of Radiation Oncology Fac. Of Medicine Univ. Of Tokyo
SAKATA Koh-ichi
Department of Physics, Hiroshima University
- Role of DNA Double-strand Break Repair Genes in Cell Proliferation under Low Dose-rate Irradiation Conditions
- 腎癌細胞株における MUC1 mucin の発現と転移能についての検討
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- S1-1 ムチンとそのカウンターレセプターとしてのレクチン(ムチン,シンポジウム1,第45回日本組織細胞化学会総会・学術集会)
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- ムチンO-グリコシレーションの制御とその生物学的意義
- マクロファージC型レクチンの免疫応答における意義 (特集 糖鎖を認識する免疫分子--特異性と病態への関与) -- (糖鎖によって指令を受けるリンパ球)
- P-317 卵巣癌の増殖および腹膜播種におけるヒアルロン酸の意義
- 89 卵巣明細胞腺癌に発現するsialylatedMUC1は腹膜中皮細胞との接着に影響を及ぼす
- 291 卵巣明細胞腺癌細胞におけるMUC1ムチンの発現が抗癌剤感受性に与える影響
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- ムチンO-グリコシレーションの制御とその生物学的意義
- 90 Role of DNA-dependent protein kinase in initial recognition of DNA double-strand breaks(Repair of radiation damage, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
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- 樹状細胞による抗原提示とMGL2
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- 169 Effects of hyperthermia on DNA-PK activity and radiosensitivity(Radio-protection and sensitization, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
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- 240 Caspase-mediated cleavage of JNK during stress-induced apoptosis(Apoptosis related, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Identification of a JNK form induced by X-irradiation during apoptosis
- Significance of MUC1 mucin expression in clear cell adenocarcinoma of the ovary
- 250 Mechanism of inhibitory effect of vanadate on apoptosis(Apoptosis related, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
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- Increased Expression of MUC1 after X-Irradiation
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- Characterization of radiation-hybrid clones isolated from human MOLT-4 and mouse FM3A cells
- Characterization of the expression of MUC1 mucin in human colon carcinoma HT29 cells after exposure to X-ray.
- Free Energies and Critical Exponents of the A^_1,B^_n,C^_n and D^_n Face Models
- Flowcytometric analysis of MUC 1 mucin production on the cell surface in human carcinoma cell lines
- DNA-dependent protein kinase activity of ataxia telangiectasia-and X-linked agammaglobulinemia-derived cells.
- Identification and Characterization of a Protein Found After X-Irradiation in Human T Cell Leukemia
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- Purification of Nuclear Proteins That Potentially Regulate Transcription of the MUC1 Mucin Gene Induced by a Soluble Factor
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- 癌を拒絶する免疫機構における糖鎖--免疫系により認識されるMUC1ムチンとグリコシレーション (特集 糖鎖を認識する免疫分子--特異性と病態への関与)
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- Gene Expression Associated with DNA-Dependent Protein Kinase Activity under Normoxia, Hypoxia, and Reoxygenation
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- 腸管マクロファージのMGLを介する共生細菌認識によるIL-10誘導 (特集 腸管における免疫応答の特殊性とその要因)
- Toshiaki Osawa : biochemistry of lectins and their applications in immunochemistry and cellular biology
- A retrospective study on the transition of radiation dose rate and iodine distribution in patients with I-131-treated well-differentiated thyroid cancer to improve bed control shorten isolation periods
- Development of an Immunohistochemical Protein Quantification System in Conjunction with Tissue Microarray Technology for Identifying Predictive Biomarkers for Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Inhibitors
- Diverse Glycosylation of MUC1 and MUC2: Potential Significance in Tumor Immunity.
- Purification of Nuclear Proteins That Potentially Regulate Transcription of the MUC1 Mucin Gene Induced by a Soluble Factor.