Properties of Blocking and Non-blocking Monoclonal Antibodies Specific for Human Macrophage Galactose-type C-type Lectin (MGL/ClecSF10A/CD301)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Japanese Biochemical Societyの論文
- 2007-01-01
入村 達郎
SANO Yoshihiko
Laboratory of Cancer Biology and Molecular Immunology, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, T
USAMI Katsuaki
Laboratory of Cancer Biology and Molecular Immunology, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, T
Laboratory of Cancer Biology and Molecular Immunology, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, T
Laboratory of Cancer Biology and Molecular Immunology, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, T
Laboratory of Cancer Biology and Molecular Immunology, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, T
KIMURA Toshifumi
Laboratory of Cancer Biology and Molecular Immunology, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, T
Laboratory of Cancer Biology and Molecular Immunology, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, T
Laboratory of Cancer Biology and Molecular Immunology, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, T
鈴木 憲子
Showa Pharmaceutical University
Denda Nagai
Laboratory Of Cancer Biology And Molecular Immunology Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences The
Izawa Ryota
Laboratory Of Cancer Biology And Molecular Immunology Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences The
Sano Yoshihiko
Laboratory Of Cancer Biology And Molecular Immunology Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences The
Sano Yoshihiko
Shizuoka Industrial Research Institute
Usami Katsuaki
Laboratory Of Cancer Biology And Molecular Immunology Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences The
Ikeda Tatsuru
The Department Of Clinical Pathology Sapporo Medical University
Irimura Tatsuro
Laboratory Of Cancer Biology And Molecular Immunology ; Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences T
Irimura Tatsuro
Department Of Cancer Biology And Molecular Immunology Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences University
Irimura T
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
東 伸昭
Laboratory Of Cancer Biology And Molecular Immunology Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences The
東 伸昭
Higashi Nobuaki
Laboratory Of Cancer Biology And Molecular Immunology Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences The
Higashi Nobuaki
Laboratory Of Cancer Biology And Molecular Immunology Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Uni
Kimura Toshifumi
Laboratory Of Cancer Biology And Molecular Immunology Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences The
Suzuki N
Laboratory Of Cancer Biology And Molecular Immunology Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences The
Suzuki Noriko
Laboratory For Biopolymer Physice Department Of Polymer Science And Engineering Kyoto Institute Of T
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- Properties of Blocking and Non-blocking Monoclonal Antibodies Specific for Human Macrophage Galactose-type C-type Lectin (MGL/ClecSF10A/CD301)
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- 89 卵巣明細胞腺癌に発現するsialylatedMUC1は腹膜中皮細胞との接着に影響を及ぼす
- 291 卵巣明細胞腺癌細胞におけるMUC1ムチンの発現が抗癌剤感受性に与える影響
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- Characterization of the expression of MUC1 mucin in human colon carcinoma HT29 cells after exposure to X-ray.
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- Purification of Nuclear Proteins That Potentially Regulate Transcription of the MUC1 Mucin Gene Induced by a Soluble Factor
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- 第9回FCCA若手フォーラム報告
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- 種々の遷移金属酸化物に取り込まれたリチウムイオンに関する固体NMRによる研究
- P63 NMR法によるNa型合成雲母の構造に関する研究
- P46 Na型合成雲母のアルカリ金属に対するイオン交換特性 : 水和数による考察
- 緒言 :"糖鎖免疫学"特集号にあたって
- P10 光に不安定な薬物のインターカレーションによる安定化 : ニフェジピン(ポスター討論)
- P46 Na型合成雲母のアルカリ金属に対するイオン交換特性〜水和数による考察 (第44回粘土科学討論会発表論文抄録)
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- The Ion-Exchange Property of Some Layered Inorganic Materials with Potassium Ion Rubidium Ion and Cesium Ion, and Selective Cesium Ion-Exchange of Synthetic Mica
- あと何年?
- 最先端の研究現場から : 企業編
- 層状無機イオン交換体のアルカリ金属イオンに対するイオン交換特性の研究および薬学分野への応用 (受賞論文(平成15年度〔日本イオン交換学会〕進歩賞))
- P63 NMR法によるNa型合成雲母の構造に関する研究
- 遷移金属酸化物電極を用いた環境水のORP測定
- Early activation and interferon-γ production of tumor-infiltrating mature CD27^ natural killer cells
- 腸管マクロファージのMGLを介する共生細菌認識によるIL-10誘導 (特集 腸管における免疫応答の特殊性とその要因)
- Toshiaki Osawa : biochemistry of lectins and their applications in immunochemistry and cellular biology
- Development of an Immunohistochemical Protein Quantification System in Conjunction with Tissue Microarray Technology for Identifying Predictive Biomarkers for Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Inhibitors
- Diverse Glycosylation of MUC1 and MUC2: Potential Significance in Tumor Immunity.
- 国際シンポジウム「薬学の基礎としての糖鎖疾患生物学」開催報告
- Purification of Nuclear Proteins That Potentially Regulate Transcription of the MUC1 Mucin Gene Induced by a Soluble Factor.