Radiological Investigation in the ground zero of the 1st surface nuclear explosion of USSR
高田 純
Department Of Physics School Of Medicine Sapporo Medical University
Takada J
Okayama Univ. Okayama Jpn
山本 政儀
金沢大学 環日本海域環境研究センター低レベル放射能実験施設
Int. Rad. Info. Cent. Hiroshima
Zumagiryov K.Sh.
Kazakhstan National Nuclear Center
Nagasaki University
Yamamoto Masayoshi
Kanazawa University Low Level Radioactivity Laboratory
Imanaka Tetsuji
Kyoto University
Hoshi Masaharu
Int. Rad. Info. Cent.
Yamamoto Masayoshi
Takatsuji Toshihiro
Faculty Of Environmental Studies Nagasaki University
Takatsuji Toshihiro
Graduate School Of Environmental Science Nagasaki University
Itoh Tetsuo
広島大学 工学研究科機械システム工学専攻
Itoh T
Atomic Energy Research Institute Kinki University
Imanaka Tetsuji
Res. Reactor Inst. Kyoto Univ.
- チェルノブイリ近郊住民の Cs-137 体内量の測定
- III-3 民間提起
- セミパラチンスク核実験場周辺地域の放射能汚染状況:ドロン、モスティク、チェリョムシキ、ボデネ集落
- Intercomparison of Luminescence Measurements of Bricks from Dolon' Village : Experimental Methodology and Results from Japanese Laboratory
- チェルノブイリ原子力発電所事故から20年--核災害についての一科学者の見解
- Estimation of Dose Absorbed Fraction for ^I-bera rays in Rat Thyroid
- ハムスター電離放射線感受性細胞irs2とA-Tおよびそのバリアントとの遺伝的相補性
- Induction of Micronuclei in Germinating Onion Seed Root Tip Cells Irradiated with High Energy Heavy Ions
- Cs-137汚染茸を摂取した日本人の体内半減期の測定例
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- 富士山頂での1997年夏季集中観測 -^7BeとO_3について-
- 一般演題 18 セミパラチンスク核実験場周辺住民の外部被曝線量
- Pu Isotopes, ^Am and ^Cs in Soils from the Atomic Bombed Areas in Nagasaki and Hiroshima
- Behavior of Plutonium and Americium in Soils
- 旧ソ連核実験場セミパラチンスク周辺のHot-Particleのキャラクタリゼーション (放射化分析B(環境科学))
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- 河口湖堆積物中のウラン・トリウム同位体組成とその変動 : 河口湖
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- Plutonium and Uranium in Human Bones from Areas surrounding the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site
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- Microdosimetry on a Mini-Reactor UTR-KINKI for Educational Uses and Biological Researches
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- 高LET放射線の染色体及び遺伝子突然変異に関するRBE
- B20. バイオマットにおける砒素の濃集 (第43回粘土科学討論会発表論文抄録)
- B19. バイオマットから読みとるその形成時の古環境 (第43回粘土科学討論会発表論文抄録)
- B20 バイオマットにおける砒素の濃集
- B19 バイオマットから読み取るその形成時の古環境
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- ロシア高放射能汚染地区へのフィールドミッション
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- 有機・無機ヘテロナノ薄膜材料の創製 最終回 ナノスペ-スラボ
- 有機・無機ヘテロナノ薄膜材料の創製(2)多元ビ-ムによる形成
- 有機・無機ヘテロナノ薄膜材料の創製-1-機能性材料の新戦略
- International Intercomparison of Retrospective Luminescence Dosimetry Method : Sampling and Distribution of the Brick Samples from Dolon' Village, Kazakhstan
- フランス・核燃料サイクルの安全と防災調査 (特集 原子力総合科学新時代--新たな「社会・国際貢献」の道(2)"準国産エネルギー"確立へ向けて)
- Measurement of Residual ^Eu Activity Induced by Atomic BombNeutrons in Nagasaki and the Contribution of Environmental Neutrons to This Activity
- 核科学の光と影(4)原子力防災(前編)
- 核科学の光と影(3)東京での核兵器テロ被曝シミュレーション
- 核科学の光と影(2)セミパラチンスクにおける核兵器実験
- 核科学の光と影(1)世界の核被災地調査
- 核科学の光と影(5・最終回)原子力防災(後編)
- Radiological Investigation in the ground zero of the 1st surface nuclear explosion of USSR
- Biological Effectiveness of Ultrasoft X-rays from the Characteristic X-ray Generator of Radiation Biology Center, Kyoto University
- Measurement of Residual ^Co Activity Induced by Atomic-bomb Neutrons in Nagasaki and Background Contribution by Environmental Neutrons
- Calculation of Neutron-induced Activity Based on Updated Leakage Spectrum from Little Boy
- Multiplier effect of Hypergravity on Mutation Induction
- 放射線誘発突然変異に対する過重力の影響
- Thyroid Abnormality Trend Over Time in Northeastern Regions of Kazakstan, adjacent to the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site : A Case Review of Pathological Findings for 7271 Patients
- External Doses of Residents near Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site
- A Crack Model of the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb: Explanation of the Contradiction of "Dosimetry System 1986"
- RBE-LET Relationships of High-LET Radiations in Drosophila Mutations
- Neutron Generator (HIRRAC) and Dosimetry Study
- DS86 Neutron Dose : Monte Carlo Analysis for Depth Profile of ^Eu Activity in a Large Stone Sample
- Residual Radioactivities around the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site
- LET Dependence for Somatic Mutation Cross Section of Drosophila Irradiated with Heavy Ion Beams
- Development of a low energy proton irradiation system using HIRRAC
- 放射線誘発体細胞突然変異に対する重力要因の影響-過重力と生存率(第1報)
- 甲状線中^β及びγ線のAbsorbed fractionの計算
- Residual Radioactivities around the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site
- Background for the measurement of the residual activity ^Co
- LET Dependence for Induction of Drosophila Somatic Mutations Irradiated with Heavy Ion Beams.
- 第2回広島国際シンポジウム"放射線による長期低線量被曝の人体影響-セミパラチンスク核実験被災地区をモデルとして-"の開催
- セミパラチンスク核兵器実験場周辺住民の被曝
- A biophysical estimate of radioactive iodine (^I) exposure in the whole body and in the thyroid of newborn, puberty and adult Fischer 344 rats.
- 有機-無機ヘテロナノシステム : 形成の現状とその機能
- Around Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site : Progress of dose Estimations Relevant to the Consequences of Nuclear Tests : A summary of 3^ Dosimetry Workshop on the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site Area, RIRBM, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, 9-11 of March
- バイカル湖の湖底堆積物中ウラン・トリウム同位体
- イオンビーム法によるC_-セラミックスヘテロナノ構造の形成
- A gradient of radioactive contamination in Dolon village near the SNTS and comparison of computed dose values with instrumental estimates for the 29 August, 1949 nuclear test
- High Incidence of Micronuclei in Lymphocytes from Residents of the Area near the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Explosion Test Site
- Radioactivity Measurement of Soil at the Bottom of Ohmura Bay for Environmental Research
- Chromosome aberrations and micronucleus in lymphocytes from residents of the area near the Semipalatinsknuclear explosion test site
- Radiological situation in the vicinity of semipalatinsk nuclear test site: Dolon, mostik, cheremushka and budene settlements
- External Radiation Doses in Semipalatinsk City
- Neural Networks for the Neutron Spectrum Determination Based on the Foil Activation Method
- ミネラルウォーター中のウラン濃度
- External Radiation Doses in Cities near Semipalatinsk nuclear test site
- External Radiation in Dolon Village Due to Local Fallout from the First USSR Atomic Bomb Test in 1949
- Width and Center-axis Location of the Radioactive Plume That Passed Over Dolon and Nearby Villages on the Occasion of the First USSR A-bomb Test in 1949
- Crystalline Phases Formed in the Partially Melted States of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O
- Crystallization Behavior and Partially Melted States in Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O
- The High-T_c Phase with a New Modulation Mode in the Bi, Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O System : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Complex Susceptibility of Bi, Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Superconductors : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Crystal Phases of BiSrCaCu_2O_x Heat Treated in a Vacuum-Sealed System : Electrical Properties Condensed Matter
- High-T_c Phase Promoted and Stabilized in the Bi, Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O System : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Ba_2YCu_3O_x Crystal Formed by Peritectic Reaction
- イオン工学技術の手法を用いた有機・無機ヘテロ接合型光センサ-創製 (特集 光関連材料)
- Critical Experiments and Analysis on Thorium and Natural Uranium Test Assemblies in UTR-KINKI
- O-63 イラク戦争中、イラクから日本に運搬された炭素粒子の粉塵
- Current Situation of Residual Radioactivity at the Former Soviet Union's Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site
- ドイツにおける森林生態系の環境影響研究 - チェルノブイリ原発事故由来の放射性 Cs の動態 -
- ドイツ連邦共和国の環境放射能測定について
- 放射線防護剤の化学的選別法〔英文〕
- Development of Alpha-ray Irradiation System.
- 天然放射性核種(Pb-210)による堆積履歴の解読
- Measurement of residual radioactivity ^Co and ^Ni for the evaluation of atomic-bomb neutron (II)
- 湖沼環境での物質循環に関する研究 : 琵琶湖における天然放射性核種^Pbと^Poの挙動
- 火山噴出物ならびに温鉱泉中の210Pbと210Po-2-温鉱泉中の210Pbと210Po含量の測定