Dose Estimation of Non-occupational Persons Accidentally Exposed to ^<192>Ir Gamma-Rays
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Six persons were accidentally exposed to gamma-rays from an ^<192>Ir source. Since they were non-occupational persons, a means to estimate the absorbed dose was needed to be established. As three of them wore wrist watches when they were exposed to gamma-rays from the ^<192>Ir source, cumulative doses of three persons were able to be estimated by measuring a thermoluminescence from jewels(ruby) of their watches. The absorbed doses of the six persons were also estimated through reconstructing timetables of the six persons in relation to the ^<192>Ir source. The doses estimated with reference to the thermoluminescence for three persons were in good agreement with those obtained only through reconstruction of their movements without refering to the thermoluminescence data. This indicates that the absorbed doses of the three others without the use of the thermoluminescence data were probably close to what they received. The newly developed thermoluminescence method was proved to be a very useful one for dose estimation of persons accidentally exposed, if they wear wrist watches and to be far quicker in estimating the absorbed dose than the meticulous reconstruction of timetables of them.
- 日本放射線影響学会の論文
橋詰 雅
中島 敏行
中島 敏行
山口 寛
加藤 義雄
藤元 憲三
加藤 義雄
加藤 義雄
加藤 義雄
橋詰 雅
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