- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to make clear the bark-water relationship, the extractive content and the heat of wetting at 25℃ by means of a twin-type conduction microcalorimeter were determined on the barks of 22 different American hardwoods growing on southern pine sites. Furthermore, sorption isotherms were determined at 20℃ and 30℃ for birch wood and bark, using a vacuum sorption apparatus of high sensitivity. The results obtained are as follows : (1) Hardwood bark is higher in extraneous substances and lignin contents, and lower in holo-cellulose than wood. Especially the tendency is remarkable for outer bark. (2) The sorption isotherms at both temperatures for inner bark of birch were almost in agreement with those of wood, but the curves for outer bark were much lower. (3) The total heat of wetting for inner barks of 22 species ranges between 14.16 to 20.45 calories per gram of dry bark. (4) From the results of the sorption isotherms and the total heat of wetting, it seems that the inner bark-water relationship is similar to the wood-water relationship, but the outer bark-water relationship is inferior to that of inner bark or wood. It can be considered that these tendencies are closely related to the amounts of chemical components in wood and bark.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1975-09-15
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