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Aneurysms of the distal anterior cerebral artery are relatively uncommon. In this paper a series of 26 patients with such aneurysms are reviewed.Seventeen cases were men and 9 were women. All aneurysms were found to arise at the knee of the pericallosal artery (11:left;14:right). In one case the aneurysm was found with azygos anterior cerebral artery. Twenty-two out of 26 cases were operated directly with the interhemispheric fissure approach in chronic phase more than 3 weeks from the last subarachnoid hemorrhage. The aneurysmal neck was clipped or ligated in 17 cases, coated with EDH-adhesive in 3 cases and pericallosal artery was trapped in 2 cases.Clinical features were examined in 21 cases with ruptured aneurysm of the distal anterior cerebral artery before operation and in 22 operated cases after the surgery.Of these cases, 11 cases showed prolonged impairment of consciousness of more than 7 days.Various degrees of motor disturbances were found and motor disturbances were dominant on the lower limbs.After subarachnoid hemorrhage there were 3 cases with monoparesis of a leg, 4 with hemiparesis, 3 with hemiparesis and paresis of a contralateral leg, and 2 with tetraparesis. In 7 cases the paretic side was on the same side as the aneurysm and 5 out of these cases showed contralateral projection of the aneurysmal dome in carotid angiography and in operative findings. These findings suggested that the direction of the projection of the aneurysmal dome plays a significant role in the occurence of the paresis.Psychic changes were recognized in 10 out of 19 cases prior to operation and 4 out of 20 cases after the operation except cases with disturbance of consciousness. Therefore, the over-all psychic morbidity rate was 63% which was almost the same as the rate of anterior communicating aneurysms. There were 12 cases with amnestic syndrome (2 with typical Korsakoff's syndrome), 5 with personality changes and 2 with akinetic mutism.Urinary incontinence without impairment of consciousness was found in 3 cases.Long-term follow-up results for more than 8 months after the operation revealed that 16 cases had no neurological deficits, 4 had minimal deficits and one was totally disabled.From data obtained, it is concluded that the location of aneurysms was considered responsible in producing various neurological and psychiatric changes. The favorite location of this aneurysm was at the knee of the pericallosal artery where bilateral anterior cerebral arteries and cingulate gyri are not separated from each other. Therefore, the rupture of the aneurysm and surgical procedures easily give rise to the damage of bilateral cingulate gyri and corpus callosum and the vasospasm of bilateral anterior cerebral arteries. According to these conditions, various neurological and psychiatric changes appeared in cases with the aneurysm of the distal anterior cerebral artery.
- 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
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- Azygos Anterior Cerebral Artery Aneurysm
- 高齢者破裂脳動脈瘤症例における手術成績とそれに基づく手術適応
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- Positron Emission Tomography : 特に脳腫瘍症例における^Ga-EDTA Positron Emission Tomographyを中心として
- 両側内頸動脈閉塞に伴った両側巨大後大脳動脈瘤(P1-P2 junction)の1例
- 脳卒中の外科--破裂脳動脈瘤の病態生理と外科的治療方針 (脳卒中の臨床の焦点)
- 135 小児の外科的頭蓋内感染症(脳神経外科 (II))
- A10. 小児重症頭部外傷 : とくに小児外傷性遷延性昏睡の予後を中心として
- 133 Dysraphic States の外科(脳神経外科 (I))
- 3.臓器提供施設における諸問題(LS 5 脳死臓器提供の現状と今後)
- 3.重症くも膜下出血例の治療方針
- 1.法的脳死判定における問題点
- 5.テント上未破裂無症候性脳動脈瘤の手術適応
- 脳底動脈先端部動脈瘤の直達手術成績
- 1.脳底動脈末端部動脈瘤の直達手術成績
- 破裂末梢性前大脳動脈による臨床症候について
- B-65 幼小児頭蓋骨々折の予後について(脳神経)
- B-5 水頭症に対する脳室心房吻合術, 脳室腹膜腔吻合術の合併症とくに吻合管閉塞の原因について(脳・神経 (I))
- 脳動脈瘤の外科,とくにintentional delayed operationによる成績とその問題点について (第71回日本外科学会学術集会演説記事-3-) -- (脳)
- 竹内基準に基づく脳死判定 (特集 脳死下臓器提供をめぐる諸問題--提供施設におけるスムーズな対応のために) -- (脳死判定の問題点)
- 高齢者破裂脳動脈瘤に対する手術適応
- 運動誘発脊髄電位による術中運動野マッピング
- 後頭蓋窩硬膜動静脈奇形の病態生理と治療
- 37. 破裂脳動脈瘤直達手術時の術中破裂 (premature rupture) について
- 脳循環動態よりみた脳動静脈奇形の手術適応
- 内頸動脈浸潤癌への対応