頭皮のcirsoid aneurysmの1例
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Cirsoid aneurysm of the scalp is rare. The authors report a case of cirsoid aneurysm which was supplied by the right occipital artery. The patient was a 44-year-old male with a tumor in the right occipital region for the past ten years which had begun to enlarge five years previously after he suffered a head injury. Investigation at the time of admission revealed a pulsatile, soft and compressive mass with thrill and pulsating murmur in the right occipital region. The continuous murmur disappeared when the right occipital artery was compressed. Enhanced CT revealed the mass to be in the extracranial right occipital region with no connection to the intracranial space. Selective external carotid angiography and right brachial angiography demonstrated an enlarged tortuous mass. The tumor was removed by surgery and measured 4×5cm, and the feeding artery and the dilated draining veins were identified. Pathological findings showed the muscular arteries and veins twisted and dilated in parallel. The arterial wall demonstrated proliferation of the inner coat, the internal elastic membrane and of the elastic fiber, and a thickening of the venous valves. The authors diagnosed this tumor as the cirsoid aneurysm of Brescht. This was the third case reported in Japan of a cirsoid aneurysm with a history of more than 10 years.
- 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
- 1982-08-15
竹内 一夫
豊田 博
竹内 一夫
原 充弘
小西 善史
玉川 輝明
豊田 博
豊田 博
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