Rotation and Oscillation of Nonlinear Dipole Vortex in the Drift-Unstable Plasma
- 論文の詳細を見る
The behaviors of the nonlinear dijcole vortex in the drift vtnstable plasn'xa are studied bynurnerical approaches. lVIodel equations used in nvrmerical sirnulation are derived froun two-fluid rtuodel and ;tre cornposed of two equations with respect to the electrostatic poteuatial andthe density perttrrbation. When the initial dipole vortex is inclined at sozne angle with respect tothe direction of the drift velocity, the dipole x'ortex oscillates or rotates in the first stage. Thesephenomenon also happen in the stable systeuau. In the second stage, one part of the dipole vortexgrows and another decays becatnse of' the destabilization. The shrtrnk vortex rotates arotmnd theenlarged vortex. Consequently, a rnonopole vortex appears out of the dipole vortex,
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1998-02-15
HATORI Tadatsugu
National Institute for Fusion Science
Orito Kohtaro
Department of Physics, College of Science and Technology, Nihon University
Orito Kohtaro
Department Of Physics College Of Science And Technology Nihon University
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