A Statistically-Derived Subgrid-Scale Kinetic Energy Model for the Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flows
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A subgrid-scale (SGS) kinetic energy model for the large-eddy simulation(LES) of turbulent flows is constructed with the aid of the statistical results ob-tained from the two-scale direct-interaction approximation. In this model, theSGS Reynolds stress is written in terms of a generalized SGS eddy-viscosityrepresentation which is expressed by using the SGS kinetic energy and the charac-teristic grid width. A moaet equation ror the SGS kinetic energy is comt>ineawith the grid-scale Navier-Stokes and continuity equations to lead to an LESmodel of one-equation type. The usual Smagorinsky model is derived as itsspecial case, and critical comparison is made between them.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1985-08-15
Yoshizawa Akira
Institute For Industrial Science University Of Tokyo
Institute of Industrial Science,University of Tokyo
Horiuti Kiyosi
Institute of Industrial Science,University of Tokyo
Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo
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