Statistical Derivation of Kolmogorov's-5/3 Power Law by Turbulent-Viscosity Approach
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Kolmogorov's -5/3 power law is derived by a statistical approach based onturbulent viscosity. A crucial point in this analysis is that no use is made of theresponse (Green's) function which may lead to a divergence at lowest wavenumbers. An equation is found for the two-time velocity covariance by usingturbulent viscosity to be determined as a part of the solution. Convection effectof big eddies upon small ones is tmiquely removed from the equation for smalltime separation. As the result, Kolmogorov's law are derived with a good estimateof Kolmogorov's constant.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1978-09-15
Yoshizawa Akira
Institute For Industrial Science University Of Tokyo
Yoshizawa Akira
Institute Of Industrial Science Uiversity Of Tokyo
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