The (p,n) Reaction on ^<209>Bi and Pre-Compound Process
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Cross sections and mean projected ranges of the recoil ions for "'Bi(p,n)reaction with E. from 18 MeV to 64 MeV were obtained. The cross sectionswere analysed both by the hybrid model and by the geometry dependent hybridmodel. The geometry dependent hybrid model was found to reproduce theexperimental ( p, n) cross sectiorxs upto E, of 64 MeV, while the calculated crosssections by the hybrid model deviate from the experimental ones at the protonenergies higher than 40 MeV. Dependence of decay rates of the exciton states onthe ntuclear density was discussed and it was concluded that the pre-compoundmodel is essentially concerned with averaging of the doorway states. Recoil rangesof the reaction residuals were analysed, introdttcing a 90' asymmetry termP.(cos 0) for the angular distributions of the residuals in CM system.NUCLEAR REACTIONS "'Bi(p, n) f.=l8-64 Men; measured a([);mean recoil ion ranges, pre-<:ompound analysis.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1978-10-15
MIYANO Kazumasa
Department of Physics, Niigata University
Ando Tomoaki
Department Of Physics Niigata University
KUDO Hisaki
Department of Chemistry,Tokyo Metropolitan University
Department of Chemistry,Tokyo Metropolitan University
NAKAHARA Hiromichi
Department of Chemistry,Tokyo Metropolitan University
Miyano Kazumasa
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Nakahara Hiromichi
Department Of Chemistry Tokyo Metropolitan University
Nakahara Hiromichi
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Kudo Hisaki
Department Of Chemistry Tokyo Metropolitan University
Ando Tomoaki
Department Of Gastroenterology And Metabolism Nagoya City University Graduate School Of Medical Scie
Yanokura Minoru
Department Of Chemistry Tokyo Metropolitan University
Miyano Kazumasa
Department of Physics,Niigata University
Nakahara Hiromichi
Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science The University of Tokyo
ANDO Tomoaki
Department of Physics,Niigata University
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