Search for Nucleon Decay into Charged Lepton+Mesons
- 論文の詳細を見る
With a 3000 ton water Cerenkov detector operated 2700 m.w.e. underground,103 fully contained events were observed during a live time of 343 days. Mostof the events are well interpreted as due to v interactions. Four multi-ring eventssurvive after applying criteria for nucleon decay. The lower limits on r/B ob-tained from these data exceed 10" yr (90% C.L.) for most of the possible decaymodes.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1985-09-15
Takita Masato
Department of Physics, Osaka University
MIYANO Kazumasa
Department of Physics, Niigata University
Miyano Kenjiro
Research Center For Advanced Science And Technology University Of Tokyo:crest Japan Science And Tech
OYAMA Yuichi
National Laboratory for High Energy Physics (KEK)
Institute for Cosmic Ray Research,University of Tokyo
Institute for Cosmic Ray Research,University of Tokyo
KOSHIBA Masatoshi
Tokai University
Department of Physics,and ICEPP,University of Tokyo
ARISAKA Katsushi
Department of Physics,and ICEPP,University of Tokyo
KAJITA Takaaki
Department of Physics,and ICEPP,University of Tokyo
KOSHIBA Masatoshi
Department of Physics,and ICEPP,University of Tokyo
OYAMA Yuichi
Department of Physics,and ICEPP,University of Tokyo
Department of Physics,and ICEPP,University of Tokyo
Department of Physics,and ICEPP,University of Tokyo
KIFUNE Tadashi
Institute for Cosmic Ray Research,University of Tokyo
SUDA Teruhiro
Institute for Cosmic Ray Research,University of Tokyo
KEK,National Laboratory for High Energy Physics
Miyano K
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo
Miyano Kazumasa
Department Of Physics Niigata University
Tanaka M
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (kek)
Miyano K
Research Center For Advanced Science And Technology University Of Tokyo:crest Japan Science And Tech
Suda T
The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research
Miyano Kazumasa
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Takahashi Kazuhiko
Tsukuba Research Center Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.
Suzuki Atsuto
Department Of Physics Osaka University
Takahashi K
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Suzuki Atsuto
National Laboratory For High Energy Physics (kek)
Totsuka Yoji
Institute For Cosmic Ray Research University Of Tokyo
Totsuka Yoji
Department Of Physics University Of Tokyo
Suda Teruhiro
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Kobe University
Suda Teruhiro
Institute For Cosmic Ray Research University Of Tokyo
Takita Masato
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (kek)
Masuda K
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Kifune Tadashi
Institute For Cosmic Ray Research University Of Tokyo
Koshiba Masatoshi
Department Of Physcis Tokyo University
Arisaka Katsushi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science University Of Tokyo
Takita Masato
Department Of Physics Osaka University
Masuda K
Niigata Univ. Niigata
Nakahata Masayuki
Institute For Cosmic Ray Research University Of Tokyo
Suzuki Atsumu
Department Of Physics Osaka University
Arisaka Katsushi
Department Of Physics And Icepp University Of Tokyo:department Of Physics University Of Pennsylvania
Miyano K
Research Center For Advanced Science And Technology University Of Tokyo:crest Japan Science And Tech
Taino M
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (kek)
Department of Physics and ICEPP,University of Tokyo
KAJITA Takaaki
Department of Physics and ICEPP,University of Tokyo
Department of Physics and ICEPP,University of Tokyo
Department of Physics and ICEPP,University of Tokyo
Department of Physics and ICEPP,University of Tokyo
OYAMA Yuichi
Department of Physics and ICEPP,University of Tokyo
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