World-Line Monte Carlo Study of the Dispersion Relation of an S=1 Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Chain
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A world-line quantum Monte Carlo method is employed to study the dispersion relation of an S=1 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain. An imaginary-time correlation function is evaluated on a transformed two-dimensional Ising system, and the low-lying energy spectrum is extracted from that. This straightforward method produces a dispersion relation which agrees well with the previous results.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1994-08-15
Miyashita Seiji
Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies
Yamamoto Shoji
Department Of Biological Chemistry And Crest (core Research For Educational Science And Technology)
Miyashita Seiji
Graduate School Of Human And Environmental Studies Kyoto University
Yamamoto Shoji
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Osaka University
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