職業適性検査の因子分析 : 分散分析的手法による因子分析の適用
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Recently, we have been able to do the factor analysis of the correlation matrix with great many variables quite easily with the aid of the electronic computer. However, the uniqueness of the meanings of factors extracted by the different researchers using the same variables, which has been for long argued, still remains unsolved. This problem is attributable to the fact that the informations of the subjects such as sex or developmental stage are neglected. In view of this point, this study aims to apply the L. J. Cronbach's generalizability theory to the multivariate variables, so that the correlation matrix can be divided into the sum of several component matrices, which is considered to depend largely on the variance analysis technique. Through this technique, the correlation matrix R is diveded as the fullowing formula shows. (1) R=R_A+R_<Ae> (in case of one classification category) (2) R=R_A+R_B+R_<AB>+R_<ABe> (in case of two classification categories) (3)R=R_A+R_B+R_C+R_<BC>+R_<CA>+R_<ABC>+R_<ABCe> (in case of three categories) (A, B, C denotes the classification categories such as sex. AB, BC, CA denotes the interaction effect. R_<Ae>, R_<ABe>, R_<ABCe> denotes the residual matrix closely related to the indivisula differences.) In ordinary analysis, the correlation matrix R is derectly analyzed, but in this analysis R_A, R_B, ……R_<ABCe> are separately analyzed by the principal axis method. Factors extracted from R_A, R_B, ……, R_<ABCe> are closely related to the meaning of the classification category and the factors extracted from the residual matrix R_<ABCe> are free of the meaning of the classification category, This technique was applied to the data of the General Vocational Aptitude Test (GATB) consisting of II scales, subjects of which are 950 Japanese students who are classified with respect to sex, developmental (high school and middle school) and regional (rural and urban) differences. Comparing the factors extracted from nine component matrices shown in formula (3) with the factors extracted from the correlation matrix R, the principal factor loadings of the residual matrix R_<ABCe> decreased and no small factor loadings of the developmental difference matrix were found. This fact means that the factors related to the developmental difference are excluded from the principal factor loadings of the correlation matrix R. Applying this techniqu widely, it si expected that the unique factor solutions independent of the difference of the subjects and the experimental conditions will be acquired in the near future.
- 1969-03-30
- 人格(332〜335)(部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 統計学の進歩と教育データの解析
- 4 測定評価 : a 人格評価1(日本教育心理学会第8回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 評価(614〜619)(部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 200 測定・評価(213〜216) (日本教育心理学会第13回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 300 学習指導と能力測定(331〜8)(日本教育心理学会第12回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 6 測定(日本教育心理学会第11回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 6-3 教育環境・社会(日本教育心理学会第7回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 407,408,409 MBTI日本版の妥当性の研究 : 1 自己評価との関係,2 友人による評価との関係,3 職務との関係その他(a.人格評価I,4.測定評価)
- 333 興味発達の因子分析的研究(人格3-5,300 人格)
- 274 青年期興味発達の要因分析(200 発達)
- 2 発達心理 : i 大学生(日本教育心理学会第8回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 測定・評価1(701〜709)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概要)
- 統計学の進歩と教育データの解析(シンポジウムIII,シンポジウム)
- 検査の尺度構成に関する方法論的研究
- 職業適性検査の因子分析 : 分散分析的手法による因子分析の適用
- 616 適性検査における予測的妥当性の検討
- 適正診断における診断方式の検討(II) : 大学の84の専門分野に対する適性診断
- 適性診断における多変量解析の研究
- 214 大学の専門分野への適性診断について(2)(測定・評価)
- 336 大学の各専門分野の適性診断の方式について(300 学習指導と能力測定)
- 4 「偏相関分析法」と「共分散分析法」の因子分析法への適用について(6.測定)
- 717 分散分析的手法の因子分析への適用について(7.評価)
- 適性診断における診断方式の検討 : I : 多重判別関数と因子分析による大学の9つの系への適性診断
- 259 大学生からみた大学の専門分野の構造 : 学問の総合化をめぐっての大学生の意識(i.大学生,2.発達心理)
- 632 高校生の進路選択における諸要因 : 理科系 文科系の進路選択を中心に
- 高校生からみた大学の専門分野の構造
- 加算作業3特性原理による性格評定用語の探索型因子分析による整備