- 論文の詳細を見る
The course of sporophyte development in Dryopteris amurensis and Dryopteris austriaca was followed by observations of the frequency distribution of populations and sporophyte structure, as represented by the leaf arrangement, ontogenetic changes in leaf-shape and fertility. The developmental age was measured quantitatively by the number of midrib branches of the leaf (NV, number of venation). When measured in this way, the maximum developmental age of leaves of D. amurensis was 41,and that of D. austriaca was 62,in the populations around Sapporo. The initiation of fertility was measured as a percentage of the smallest NV of fertile leaves to the maximum NV (RDA, relative developmental age) ; it was 78% for D. amurensis and 60% for D. austriaca. The ratio of the number of fertile leaves to the number of total leaves was 0.109 in D. amurensis and 0.489 in D. austriaca. Leafshape was quantified by the presence of costa branches (NV of pinnae) and was similar for both species up to a NV of 40. A greater values of NV, the leaf-shape changed from pentagonal-oval into ellipticaloval, and the leaf number in a sporophyte increased in the mature sporophyte of D. austriaca. When analysed in these ways, it appeared that D. austriaca has a greater degree of sporophyte development than D. amurensis in northern Japan.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1985-12-30
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